Thirty Three

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I was so thankful that the multicoloured ferris wheel was one of those enclosed ones, the ones that had a roof but was open from your shoulders up

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I was so thankful that the multicoloured ferris wheel was one of those enclosed ones, the ones that had a roof but was open from your shoulders up.

Not the ones I had experience before where you sat side by side and had a metal bar come down on you— I had refused to ride that one back in high school even when my sister Nova begged me to, It was a straight up no and don't bother fighting me on it.

We've been standing in line for over thirty minutes, the Ferris wheel seemed to be a hot spot for everyone here.

I kept looking around to make sure I didn't spot Hunter and Nina, as much as I loved them— I didn't want them ruining my night with Rose.

When I saw them earlier my stomach dropped, i know bringing Ava to a carnival where we're bound to bump into people from college was risky but I didn't think it would be our own friends we'd be trying to avoid the whole night.

I move Rose to stand in front of me and enclose my arms around her, my head resting atop of hers.

She grabs hold of my hand and starts playing with my ring and I know she's also nervous for the ferris wheel— our fear of heights weren't going to get the better of us tonight, I'd make sure of it.

"God, who knew so many people would want to be so high up." Rose mutters tilting her head up to look at me.

"People are weirdos." I say kissing her forehead.

The closer and closer we get to the front, I find my heart calming down and I know for a fact it's because Rose is here with me.

Her body against mine, her fingers playing with mine and it just warms me... makes me feel at ease, like I'm at home.

My stomach does that twirling thing.

What the fuck is wrong with me?

Ten minutes later it's our turn, I see her take in a deep breath before stepping onto the platform and when she gets into the purple cart it wobbles causing her to grab hold of my hand tightly.

"Fuck." She hisses.

"You're ok, we're ok, it's going to be ok." I comfort her.

She nods her head and takes a seat on the chair  opposite me, holding on tightly to the bars and I swear her knuckles turn white faster than I can blink.

I needed to distract her, have her not think about being on here.

"So this art and wine class." I begin. "When's the next one?"

"Uh um, fuck. Axel. Jesus!" She hisses out as the wind causes slight movement to the cart. "I-I think there's one just before thanksgiving."

"That's soon, we'll book to go once we get off here yeah?"

"Uh yeah, yeah, yeah. We can definitely book, uh huh yeah definitely." She stammers. "That's of course If we make it out alive."


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