Twenty Two

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It Wednesday and I haven't seen nor spoken to Axel since our kiss was interrupted in the library on Monday, he apologised saying he needed to go home because Matthew and Chad almost set fire to their kitchen trying to cook bacon

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It Wednesday and I haven't seen nor spoken to Axel since our kiss was interrupted in the library on Monday, he apologised saying he needed to go home because Matthew and Chad almost set fire to their kitchen trying to cook bacon.

I said there was no need to apologise and we agreed to talk about the date soon.

It was our Halloween themed girls night, we just finished making pizza's in the shapes of jack o lanterns, ghosts and Lilly attempted to make a spider before we placed them all in the oven to cook.

We had sacked our usual aprons off and opted for the Halloween one's Lilly and I had found at the dollar store when we went looking for decorations.

It was a black apron and had this is boo sheet written on it with a sad looking ghost, it went with our matching pyjamas which were a black pair of shorts and a matching short strapped crop top with cute little ghosts on them.

Lilly had found some halloween wine glasses too, instead of the usual clear long handle, it was a skeleton holding the glass up.

We even went to the extreme of putting white tape around the wine bottles and sticking googly eyes on them to make them look like mummy's.

As our pizza was cooking, we all sat around the table to make some snacks for when we watch hocus pocus— our traditional halloween movie.

Lilly was making spiders out of Oreo's and pretzel sticks, any other time of the year she's petrified of spiders but tonight, it seems to be her go to for everything.

I had baked some brownies earlier as Nina wanted to make something with them but was afraid she'd fuck up the mixture, she was decorating them with white icing making spider webs from the corners.

Payton brought basically the whole stores worth of rice crispy treats and was attempting to do Frankenstein, pumpkins, mummy's and scary monsters on them with coloured icing.

I had made a chocolate cake earlier when making the brownies and was planning on doing a graveyard themed cake.

"So ladies, I have some news." Nina pipes up as she delicately makes a web on the brownie.

"What?" Payton asks.

"Hunter officially asked me to be his girlfriend today!" She squealed.

"Shut the fuck up!" Payton squealed too, clapping her hands as she jumps up and down on the chair.

"About fucking time." I reply.

"So how did he ask you?" Lilly questions.

Nina sets the brownie she was working on down and rests her chin on her hands. "Ugh it's was so dreamy." She begins. "We went out to a fancy restaurant for lunch and when we was finished he gave me a note and told me to open it, you know what the note said?"

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