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Chapter 54: Lupine Chapter (10)

Yu had a long phone call with Taneda Santouka.

Taneda Shantouhuo has a good impression of this young and active young man, and I heard that his medical skills are very good. In the underworld, he can be regarded as a well-known secret doctor. The success rate of surgery is 100%, there are no side effects, and the recovery rate is extremely high. And this is just his side job. While completing his side job, he also did a very good job at his job - he was able to basically master the powers of the superpowers in the Port Mafia within a week of infiltrating the mafia. This is not something ordinary people can do.

Of course, this may be a bonus due to the luck of the novice mission.

But this situation is welcome.

The last time Taneda Shantouhuo and Yujiu chatted, Yujiu was asked straightforwardly when he could return to the special agent department. Tanedan Shantouhuo felt that it was a pity that Yujiu left the Port Mafia so quickly. So he persuaded Yujiu to stay in the Port Mafia to establish himself first, and then consider leaving.

Yujiu agreed at that time, but according to the farming chief's speculation, they should not be able to stabilize the port mafia so quickly. Did they encounter any problems?

Taneda first spoke to Sakaguchi Ango. After all, he used Sakaguchi Ango’s phone number.

"Have you encountered anything?" Chief Farmer asked first.

Sakaguchi Ango said with some resignation: "About Natsume, you should talk to him."

Sakaguchi Ango's tone made Taneda Santohuo a little uneasy. Did the two young men have a dispute and conflict while performing the mission? As the leader who arranges their actions, Taneda Shantouhuo, in addition to arranging their tasks, naturally also has to tutor the psychological problems of the two people.

When an undercover agent starts, he can still stick to his own beliefs and values. However, as time goes by and the relationship with the people around him deepens, the psychological dilemma that the undercover agent has to face is much higher than that of ordinary police officers. As police officers, they also have to work for The anxiety, depression, guilt, fear, cognitive confusion and other negative psychology caused by concealing their identities while performing illegal activities will make many undercover police officers need long-term psychological treatment after their return, and some even enter mental hospitals for treatment. , so an undercover agent needs to have a very sound personality.

Although he did not communicate directly with Natsume Haku, I heard from Sakaguchi Ango that Haku had close contacts with people in the Port Mafia and even wanted to take someone away. Taneda Santohui had to say that Natsume Yuku was too naive.

Just because the gangsters can have fun with him doesn't mean that they have the same stance and the same values.

The closer their relationship is, the more they will hurt themselves in the end.

Taneda Santaka originally thought that Ango Sakaguchi could persuade Natsume Yuku to recognize the current situation and not play the so-called drinking game of being friends, but he didn't expect that he would have to do it on his own.

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