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High School was known to be the absolute worst for most people. It was a draining part of everyone's life that could have simply been avoided. To protect family, friendships, and even love lives. But it only depended on who was telling the story and only then was the reason justifiable. Only then was drama tolerated.

And a part of that hate club was Rosemary Sage-Marlowe. A 17-year-old girl who wanted nothing more than to get through her 6 hours of school, get home, eat, shower, watch TV, and repeat until her 18th birthday arrived. Until her graduation was here. She wanted to avoid being in any spotlight, hanging out with any amount of people that could jeopardize that, and most importantly, she wanted to avoid failing, just like any other person. Except for her, her life depended on it.

But here she was. She was standing on the moist grass that belonged to her school. The football field. She had only been there because her best friend had dragged her there. And all for what? For a girl. Rosemary didn't want to be there and her legs had been on a hundred seeing as she had been standing there for over 30 minutes now, holding the mascot's hat which belonged to her crazily obsessed best friend.

All Rosemary could hear was the crowd cheering over and over for her school's team. She had not a clue of what was happening on the field, the only thing she wanted more was to accompany her bed right now and lay within the sheets and smell the scents of her own home. She closed her eyes and smiled at the thought. That sounded like the best afternoon date in the world.

Her eyes didn't stay shut for long when her best friend nudged her in her side and made her eyes fall open. Rosemary quickly looked over at her best friend and her eyes widened. She then saw her best friend frowning before nudging her head in the direction across the field. To the place that was always at the bottom of Rosemary's list. The cheerleaders. Oh, Rosemary was frightened just by looking at them

"I thought they broke up." her best friend muttered,

Rosemary looked at one of the cheerleaders with raven hair. She was known to be the youngest on the cheer team and 2nd shortest. She had blue eyes which went well with the blue, gray, and white cheerleader uniform she had on. Standing next to her was a tall blonde-haired boy. He was captain of the football and basketball teams. His uniform was just the same as the cheerleaders. It was blue and white, but it lacked gray. Which was so not the point.

Rosemary then looked back over to her best friend and she frowned before looking down and sighing. She then looked back up to see her best friend now turning away and heading for the exit. Rosemary was happy that she got to go seeing as she didn't want to be there in the first place but she was sad for her friend. She didn't know what it was like to have a crush on anyone or to have her heart broken but Rosemary did feel bad. That had to count for something.

She then glanced back over to the pair as she watched them kiss. She scrunched her nose before her eyes slipped from their presence and over to the other cheerleader. The cheerleader. She stood there with her cheerleading skirt just a few inches above her knees. Her pom poms were in her hands and she rubbed them together as she yelled something unheard by the ears of Rosemary, especially due to all the yelling from the football players.

The cheerleader was smiling as she cheered for the team. Her long blonde hair was tied into a tight ponytail as she held a blue ribbon tying it together. From the distance, Rosemary could see all of the makeup dashed on her face. And just as matters couldn't get any worse, the cheerleader's silver eyes pierced in her direction. Rosemary gulped as she stumbled back and her mouth flew open, letting nothing but air leave her mouth.

But the most unexpected thing had happened to Rosemary. Something she was so confused about but oddly pleased with. The cheerleader smiled in her direction. She held her pom poms up and she squinted her eyes before she hesitantly waved at Rosemary. Her smile reached her eyes and she had seemed to forget her whole purpose for being on the sidelines of that field.

And so we kissedWhere stories live. Discover now