Embrace - Soap [N]

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You're a seargent in the task force 141, being a well known, well liked soldier and companion to everyone on the force. You always say hello to everyone when walking past and don't hesitate to have a conversation with a soldier. You share a room with your best friend, Johnny - otherwise known as Soap, because he was your first friend you made; ever since, you stuck with him. You and him were like peas in a pod, always going out on walks, to markets and shops, to cinemas and restaurants; you two spend most of your time together. People started assuming you were dating, but you quickly brushed that off and got rid of that rumour.

However, a new light has come upon you. A different vision, a new perspective. Johnny seems... different. Even with him just sitting on his bed on his phone makes him seem... attractive, in a way. You can't find yourself looking anywhere but him anymore, fixating your eyes on him. Even in some briefings, you find yourself admiring Soap, like he's a celebrity in a normal crowd of people. You two are used to changing in front of each other, privacy boundaries included, but for some reason you can't stop turning your head over your shoulder to look at his muscly back, the light casting shadows over him just makes him look delicious.

One night, as you were getting changed into your pajamas, you looked at your bed and realised your weighted blanket wasn't there. It was a distinct, dark red that stood out from your grey duvet and pillow. Your eyebrows furrow as you pull up your pajama pants and quickly hurry over to your bed, stripping the duvet and blankets off to look for it. However, it was nowhere to be found. A slight panic overtook you and you felt your heart race. That blanket is special, it helps you sleep and it has every single night. It helps you with the traumas that you face from fighting in the military, so you need it to even get ready to sleep.

Johnny comes out from the bathroom and sees you, frantically taking off your duvet in a hurried manner. "Y'alright lass/lad?" he asks, a hint of concern in his voice as he stands still, slightly side eyeing what you're doing.

"Have you seen that, uhh, red blanket? The heavy one, the one I sleep with? I can't find it." you ask, words coming out faster than tired Soap can comprehend. He walks over slowly and raises his eyebrow, not sure of what you said nor how to react.

"Say that one more time, just slightly slower. Breathe." he calmly instructs, you doing so. You breathe in deeply and your exhale comes out in a slight shiver, which only worries him more. He takes another step closer and stands adjacent to you, crouching down slightly and looking at you with concern in his eyes.

"Where's my red blanket gone?" you ask once more, slower this time. A slight lump in your throat is visible from your shaky words. You hold your hands to your chest, where your necklace is, his eyes lingering down to your action, then back up to eye level. "I can't find it and I can't sleep without it."

"Price came in 'ere earlier. Probably took it for washing, lass/lad." Johnny explains calmly, moving one hand to rub your upper arm. He looks at you, seeing you shaking slightly and your lip quivering. You blink a couple times before he stands up properly, groaning slightly as he stands. "Is there anything else ya can use instead?"

You shake your head slowly, keeping your eyes on him. You breathe deeply but your heart still beats fast. His warm hand still lingers on your arm as you move your hands down by your sides slowly and fiddle with the material of your pajama pants. His eyebrows furrow, trying to think of what could help you.

"Look, I don't know what to do here...uhh..." he says, looking up and scratching behind his ear, the cogs in his head turning. You look up at him expectantly, like he's your guide. He softly sighs. "Are ya sure ya can't sleep one night without it?"

"I've tried..." you softly say, looking at the floor, your words being traced with guilt and sadness. He tuts and walks slightly closer, crouching down and looking up at you.

"Hey now, don't get upset," he softly whispers, his voice sounds like velvet against your ears which makes your cheeks slightly blush. The way he's caring so much for you is driving you crazy. You look at him, with red cheeks and glossy eyes, and slightly smiled. He returned the smile and smacked his lips quietly before speaking.

"What about you stay with me tonight? I might not be a blanket but I'm warm if that's what ya lookin' for."

A soft giggle comes from you and the corners of your mouth turn upward slightly as you look at his friendly smile. You slowly nod, "Alright, okay. You'll make do for now."

Johnny laughs and stands back up, your head and eyes following his. He walks over to his bed, you follow behind him as he sits down, resting his back against the bedframe. He shuffles over slightly and pats next to him, indicating that you sit down with him. You move over and sit on the bed by his side, with a slight gap between you. You lay your legs out straight and place your hands in your lap, looking up at him. He then suddenly wraps his arm around your shoulders and pulls you closer.

"You ain't gettin' warm that far away, y'know?" he jokingly says, making you laugh. You smile, he really is warm. His scent fills your nose, he smells like gunpowder, aftershave and a slight hint of mint from him brushing his teeth, probably getting toothpaste down his shirt again. We haven't ever done anything this close to each other before. His arm still lingers across your shoulder, gently moving his thumb to rub your arm as you feel myself getting tired. You yawn, moving your hand to cover your mouth. He notices this and moves his arm up, pushing gently on your head to lay it on his shoulder. You softly sigh in satisfaction as his hand moves back down to caress your arm, tracing his fingertips across your soft skin.

Your eyelids slowly feel heavier and you find yourself shutting your eyes laying on Johnny, him still stroking your arm gently and pulling you closer. You bring your legs over his and lean into him more - without fully knowing - and he softly chuckled seeing you get so comfortable on him. You felt a strange feeling whilst cuddling him, it felt nothing like you had felt with him before. It made your heart pace fast and you felt his speeding up as well. It felt wrong... but so right.

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