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Last Chapter—don't hate on me, I'm already crying

You just might get a sequel though, so 👀


"Little Mewis!" Kim snapped her fingers in front of your face. "We've got to head out soon, Chelsea's not going to beat themselves."

Your head slowly swiveled to your co-captain's. "What?"

"Are. You. Ready?" She poked you on the shoulder with each word. "We've got an FA Cup to win, c'mon now!"

You gave her the stink-eye, hauling yourself to your feet and following the rest of the team out into the tunnel.

You'd somehow completely forgotten that you would be facing Chelsea for the FA WSL Trophy, in a very similar fashion to a middle schooler forgetting the project that they'd been assigned months ago by their teacher.

You clapped your hands together. "Let's go whip some Blues' asses."


"Wheeee!" You exclaimed, a beaming grin on your face as you slide tackled a surprised Niamh Charles. "Oops!"

You randomly punted the ball towards the goal, a wide smile appearing on your face when it curled around a clump of Defenders and the Keeper.

"'Wheeeee'?" Sam glared, crossing her arms as your teammates rushed towards you. "I actually hate you."

You grunted. "Cool."

"Fuck you."


"Screw you, Y/N."


Sam placed a hand on her hip, the other pinching the bridge of her nose. "I give up."


"Weee‐ oh fuck—" you yelped, falling backwards on the sodden pitch after swinging your foot back to take a shot. "It's Barca vs Real Madrid all over 'gain!"

Beth chuckled, hauling you up with her right hand. "Poor Chelsea's losing and our star player keeps fallin' on her arse."

"Shut up, Meado," you huffed, wringing out your mud-stained jersey. "Don't be jealous just 'cause I'm— oof!"



You chuckled, wiggling your eyebrows teasingly at your annoyed future sister-in-law. "5-0, Samuel? I expected better from yo- ow!"

You shook your fist at the sky, Doofenschmirtz style. "Curse you rain!"

"I can't believe you're 17," she shook her head. "Are you sure you're not five?"

"No, I'm not sure. What kind of stupid question is that?"

"Sorry, that is a stupid question," the Aussie skipper agreed as you popped up. "Forget I asked."

The both of you rushed into the Arsenal's half attempting to head the ball towards/away from the goal.

You won, of course.

And then you proceeded to shit on the Blues by bicycle kicking the ball when it bounced into the air again.

"ZECIRA! MOVE BACK!" You could hear Emma Hayes yelling from the sidelines, and when you glanced back, Jonas was giving you a goofy grin and two thumbs up.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Sam groaned when the ball hit top bins, smacking you in the shoulder repeatedly in annoyance. "Can you not?"

"GOAL OF THE YEAAAAAAAR!" Noelle exclaimed, jumping onto your back. "You're crazy!"

"I know!" You responded cheerfully, dropping the woman on her ass. "Let's get back to it!"

She swore under her breath, rubbing her aching bottom. "Jerk."

"You love me."




"When's that damn whistle goin' off?" You wheezed, leaning against Kyra as she walked through the Midfield. "I'm so fookin'-OOF!"

You shrieked, falling onto your face as the final whistle blew, your Aussie crutch sprinting off to celebrate the Finals win with the subs.

"KYRA COONEY-CROSS!" You screamed, springing to your feet while wiping the dirt off your face. "HOW DARE YE'! I'LL BRING MY ASSAULT RIFLE NEXT TIME INSTEAD OF ME GLOCK!"

"Stuff it, Y/N!" Katie grinned, ruffling your hair. "Someone's 'ere to see ye', go talk to her."

You reluctantly followed the Irishwoman's gaze, face breaking out into a grin when your eyes met an enthusiastic Lauryn's. "BE RIGHT BACK, KATIE-KINS!"

"LAURYN!" You vaulted over the barrier, a wide smile on your face as your girlfriend pressed a soft kiss to your lips. "You're here!"

"Of course, Mum asked if I wanted to come see you and Katie," she pulled you into a hug, not caring that you were sopping wet. "I couldn't miss the chance to visit my beautiful girlfriend. And Katie."

You laughed, kissing the side of her head gently. "And Katie."

"And Katie," she confirmed, squeezing your hand. "We said hi while you were busy yelling at Kyra."

You flushed in embarrassment. "You didn't see that."

She smirked, lightly shoving you away. "I did, now go celebrate with your teammates. I'll see you later, lovely."


She gave you a look.


You back flipped over the railing, shaking hands with the Blues  before jogging up to Jonas. "Hoi, boss."

He pulled you into a warm hug of his own, buzzing with pride. "Great game out there, Y/N. So glad you decided to stick with us!"

You smiled as Beth began spraying champagne into the air. "The atmosphere, the fans, you guys? This is my home."

Thank you guys so much for all of your amazing support on this book, I honestly cannot believe how much you guys liked it :)

Big big big shoutout to blankcanvas12 , quite a couple of these chapter ideas came from them, so be sure to say thank you for many of the comedy-filled chapters 😄

And you, the reader, thank you. For sticking with this awkward bundle of chapters in which the dumbass author had no idea what they were doing.


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