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A/N: I strongly believe that our resident Tower of Power would never do this, but in this story she does just for the lols

"Move it, Samantha!" You huffed as you raced your sister down the stairs. "I'm faster and ye' know it!"

She grunted as she jumped down a few steps. "No you aren't!"

As the two of you neared the last set of stairs, Sam lightly pushed you sideways, causing you to collide with the wall and tumble down the steps with a surprised yelp.

"Oof‐ oW- aH—oUch- fOok, oW sHIt!"

You jumped up as you reached the bottom, completely ignoring the throbbing in your leg and forehead. "I win!"

She groaned. "You weren't supposed to go forwards!"

You smirked, flicking your hair back. "Ye' snooze, ye' lose!"


"There you two are!" Becky stated as you and Sam got on the bus. "We're gonna be late, so find a seat and let's g— Y/N what the hell happened to your head?"

You frowned, reaching upwards to gingerly touch your forehead. "What? This?"

Kristie sighed. "What were you and Sam doing this time?"

You and the Tower of Power shared an amused look. "We was just racin', calm yourself."

Alex looked horrified. "What happened to your leg? Did you two get into a fight or something?"

You glared at her. "No, because if we got into a fight, I'd be carryin' Sammy Salamander's unconscious body to the bus."

Realization dawned on your oldest sister's face. "Did you two race down the hallway or race down the stairs?"

You silently took a seat next to Mal, deciding to completely avoid the question as Sam did the same with Sonnett.

"Y/N Y/M/N Mewis!" Kristie scolded, chucking an empty water bottle in your direction. "Samanatha June Mewis! How many times do I have to tell you two knuckleheads to stop racing down the stairs? You two are idiots, and something bad is gonna happen one of these days!"

Sam pouted as the bus began moving. "But it's fun!"

Christen looked between the three of you. "What's wrong with racing down the stairs?"

"Sam and I like to 'ave a little friendly competition, there's nothin' wrong with it," you answered, wincing as you pressed on the large purple bruise on your shin. "Kristie's just bein' dramatic."

"You push each other down the stairs!" Kristie protested. "There's nothing friendly about it!"

Tobin gaped. "Y/N, Sam... don't you think that's at least a little extreme?"


Kristie facepalmed. "You're impossible."

You grinned cheekily. "Wanna know why? It's 'cause I'm possibl—"

"Shut the fuck up!"


"Well, well, well, look who it is," you fake sneered, strolling up behind Ona and squeezing her shoulders tightly, the Spaniard jumping in surprise. "Come to get yer' arse kicked 'ave ya'?"

Alexia pulled you into a hug. "We've missed you, Little Mewis! How have you been?"

You smiled as she pulled away. "Same old, same old. You?"

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