Anything For A Fellow Gunner

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"Y/N!" Katie yelled, leading the Gunners' charge into your bedroom. "Get packed!"

"What?" You yelped, tumbling of the bed before popping up again. "Why? Who died? Who's funeral am I goin' to?"

"No one died, you idiot!" Jordan shouted. "You're goin' home. We booked you and Katie a flight, go pack!"

"Why?" You asked again, dumbfounded. "When?"

Viv smiled. "You need some time home. To clear your head."

"But wh—"

"If you say 'why' one more time I will throw you out that window," Alessia threatened, pulling you up by the arm. "Kyra and I will help you, now hurry up and get all of your important stuff together."


"We're gonna miss you!" Manu sniffed, picking you up and wrapping you in a bear hug. "Call us every day!"

"Okay, okay," you grunted, patting the Keeper awkwardly on the back."Put me down now, please. People are starin'."

Leah pulled you into a hug of her own. "You have fun, okay? Don't even think about Football, just focus on being home."

"Right," you agreed, nestling your face into her shoulder. "I'll do that."

Katie pouted. "What about me? I'm leavin' too!"

Beth laughed, slapping the Irishwoman on back. "Bye, McCard! Look after the baby!"

You scowled, withdrawing your face from Leah's oversized hoodie. "I'm not a baby! I'm almost 17!"

"Which means yer' 16," Kim smiled, ruffling your hair. "Speaking of, whatd'ya want to do for yer' birthday?"

You shrugged. "Sleep."

The team groaned.

"You're so boring," Lotte complained, body-checking you playfully. "You should probably go now."

Saying one last farewall to your teammates, you and Katie headed towards the terminal.

"Thank yous!" You called, waving. "Love ya'!"

They responded with waves of their own and smiles, Viv responding, "Anything for a fellow Gunner!"


"Mum! Dad!" You exclaimed, rushing forwards into their outstretched arms whilst Katie recorded the wholesome interaction. "I've missed yous!"

"We missed you too, sport," your Dad smiled. "London treating you well?"

"Ye', pretty much."

Kristie cleared her throat. "What about me? I didn't come all the down from New York for no reason."

You briefly turned your head to the side before sarcastically adding, "Hoi, Kristie. Didn't see you there."

You launched yourself towards her, taking the Midfielder by surprise as you grinned cheekily. "I've missed ya', Krissy."

She kissed the top of your forehead sweetly. "I missed you too. I'd come visit you, but London's kind of far."

"That's why you should join Arsenal," you said, gesturing with your hands. "Then I can see you every day."

She shook her head as you, her, your parents, and Katie began walking towards the exit. "I'm not trying to tempt Sam into breaking up with me."

Your expression turned serious. "She should love you no matter what club you join. If she does, I'll kill 'er."

"Bad Y/N, bad!" Kristie smacked you on the back of the head. "I was joking."

"I'm not," you huffed. "I told 'er if she hurt you I'd murder 'er and no one would ever find her corpse. I stand by that."

"Y/N," Kristie sighed exasperatedly. "You can't hurt Sam."

You shook your head stubbornly. "Watch me."

"Y/N, your Dad and I like Samanatha May. Don't kill her." Your mom butted in, amused.

You clutched your chest in fake shock as your sister stuck put her tongue. "Mum, don't side with Kristie! I thought I was the favorite child!"

"Actually, Sam is the favorite child."

"How dare ye'!" "How dare you!"


"So, Katie," your Dad started as the 5 of you pulled out of the airport parking lot. "You're the reason why my daughter has an Irish accent?"

She laughed awkwardly, rubbing the back of her neck. "Yeah, sorry 'bout that."

He smiled, glancing in the rear view mirror. "It's alright, I think she prefers it over her Boston accent anyways. Don't you, Y/N?"

You nodded your agreement, going Katie a teasing look at the uncomfortable situation she was in having never met your parents before. "Sam sounds god awful when she's orderin' a coffee, I don't want to sound like that."

Your mom took pity on Katie, deciding to save her from both yours and your dad's playful teasing. "Y/N's said a lot about you. What did she say exactly, Kristie? Wasn't it along the lines of, 'she's like a second mom'?"

You flushed red, glaring half-heartedly at your mom. "You're not s'pposed to tell her that!"

It was Katie's turn to smirk. "I'm flattered."

Kristie shook her head in disapproval. "You two are wayyy too similar for my liking."

You and the Irishwoman shared a mischievous look. "Double the trouble, double the fun."

Kristie groaned. "I hate my life."

Just a lil' lead up chapter for tomorrow's 👍

Hope you enjoyed, thanks for reading!

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