Work Smarter, Not Harder

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"Y/N, Truth or Dare," Kelley asked, clasping her hands together in anticipation. "I've got some good ones for you."


Kelley smirked, sharing a look with Sonnett as she pulled a bottle of vodka from the mini fridge. "I dare you to take your first shot."

"No!" Kristie protested. "Kelley, she's sixteen."

You shrugged nonchalantly. "It wouldn't be me first shot anyways."

"What?!" Your teammates gaped.

"Did I stutter?" You snickered, snapping a quick photo of their astounded faces. "I've had many shots before."

"Y/N Y/M/N Mewis!" Kristie scolded. "What the fu—lying fish do you mean you've had alcohol before? You're only sixteen!"

You strolled towards the door, placing your hand down on the silver handle. "I think that's me queue to leave."

Your oldest sister sent you her most terrifying wolf glare that would have sent a grown man to his knees in fear, but you were unaffected. "If you leave through that door, I'm telling Mom."

You shrugged again, strutting past everyone and to the balcony.

"Where are you going?" Becky questioned, raising her eyebrows. The captain was as oblivious as the rest of your teammates.

You eyed the eight foot drop to the ground before climbing onto the railing. "If I recall correctly, Kristie said she'd snitch if I left through that there door. So, I'll leave a different way. Toodles!"

You saluted your wide-eyed teammates before backflipping off the metal rail and landing in a crouch, yelling up as you ran, "Work smarter, not harder!"


Unbeknownst to you, Lindsey had been recording yours and Kristie's whole interaction since the moment Kristie had threatened you with snitching.

You'd decided to go for a run, seeing as the weather was nice and you absolutely did not want to incur Kristie's or Becky's wrath.

Your phone had begun to blow up halfway through, and after a few minutes, you finally opened your notifications and chuckled at the sight.

You'd been tagged in Lindsey's Instagram post at least a couple hundred times, some of your teammates from Arsenal and Barcelona commenting on the video.

You scrolled through them as you jogged, giggling to yourself at the panicked comments of fans and players as they reacted to you jumping off the balcony.

As you posted a message saying that you were totally fine and that the balcony was only a couple feet off the ground, you recieved a FaceTime call from Jordan.

"Hoi, Jordy—"

"Y/N fookin' Mewis!" Katie growled. "Why the fook' is there a video of ye' jumpin' off a balcony?"

You shrugged as you ran down the sidewalk, ducking under a low oak branch. "The Great 'oran recorded the whole conversation, yea'? Work smarter, not harder."

Jordan nodded thoughtfully. "She's got ya' there, Katie."

Leah smacked Jordan on the side of the head. "Katie's finally acting like a responsible adult, shut the fuck up and don't ruin it."

Katie ignored the blonde's comment, crossing her arms in annoyance. "What if ye' missed that backflip? You could've broken yer' neck!"

You scoffed. "Sam Kerr is me future sister-in-law, I know what I'm doin'."

Jordan nodded again. "Once again, Katie, she's got you the- ow!"

Leah flicked her ear. "You shut the hell up!"


You stopped your glaring contest with the Irish Defender as another call popped up on your screen. "I've got to go, guys. Some other fookers' wanna yell at me or summin'."

"Bye, Little Mewis!" Jordan waved with a smile.

"Bye guys."

You clicked on the green button that had appeared under Caitlin's name. "Hoi, Cait, what's u—"

"Y/N!" Sam chided. "Why the fuck did you jump off a balcony? That was high!"

You snickered. "It was only, like, ten feet."

Macca giggled. "Takes guts to even jump off there normally, a backflip is class."

"See? Macca gets it," you smiled cheekily. "Besides, I only did a backflip off of it because you taught me how, so I thought I'd put your teachings to good use."

Sam sputtered indignantly, pointing an accusing finger at the camera. "Don't turn this on me!"

The Matildas, minus Sam, laughed at their captain's misfortune.

"Sam, I wouldn't fight this if I were you," Cortnee teased. "You've already lost."

Caitlin laughed. "You're okay though, yeah?"


"Alright, well, I'll see you soon, Mr. Hothead."

"Mhm, bye."


Upon returning to the hotel, you were met with a group of angry Vets and giggling youngsters.

"Y/N whatever your middle name is Mewis!" Alex glared with her hands on her hips. "What the heck was that?"

You squeaked, rushing to hide behind Alyssa as the 5'10 starting Keeper chuckled. "Twas' a loophole! Kristie needs to watch 'er words, it's not me fault!"

Your oldest sister crossed her arms. "Let's see what Mom has to say, then."


"Hey, Mom," Kristie greeted as she picked up the phone. "Did you see that video that Lindsey posted a while ago?"

Your mom waved. "Yeah, I did."

"So, what's my dear baby sister's punishment?" Kristie smirked.

"Nothing. She's going to keep doing stupid shit no matter what I do. Your father and I gave up trying years ago."

"What?" Kristie protested indignantly as you sent her a discreet middle finger. "That's not— what?"

You stuck out your tongue, vaulting over Alyssa's shoulder before sommersaulting forwards and past the group. "Sucks to suck!"

"Shut the fuck up!"

Sorry for not posting yesterday, I like to take the weekend off of writing to give myself a nice reset :)

Hope you enjoyed, thanks for reading!

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