Wha- ? Me?

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"GATHER 'ROUND!" Your Coach yelled, gesturing to the team to huddle up. "Phlegethon's got some good players, and some good team chemistry. But every team has a weakness. Unfortunately, we don't exactly have the luxury of knowing what. We figure it out, we win. Otherwise..."

The team nodded.

"Anything to add, Cap?"

You shook your head. "Just play your best. Your best won't always be enough to win, but that's why we train. So that someday, our best will be enough."

Your Coach nodded approvingly. "WIN ON THREE! ONE TWO THREE!"



28th minute. 1-0.

40th minute. 1-1.

54th minute. 2-1.

68th minute. 2-2.

For every goal you'd scored, Phlegethon's captain scored right back.

You hated it. So did she. The two of you, a Striker and a Winger, were the main event in the match. The crowd was roaring every time the two of you faced off, practically ignoring the other players on the field. It was only in the 89th minute when you'd turned the tables.


"Y/N! Take the corner!" Your Coach yelled from the sidelines. "You know what to do!"

You gave him a half-hearted thumbs up, taking the ball from your teammate. Truth be told, you weren't sure what your Coach wanted. You had an inkling, but you weren't sure you could do it.

As the ref blew his whistle, you raised your hand. Swinging inwards with your left foot, you watched as the ball hurled towards the goal. The Phlegethon Keeper leaped upwards, stretched out in an attempt to slap the ball away. It was in vain, however, as she mistimed her jump, crashing down to the ground as the ball buried itself into the side netting. You raised your fist in celebration, sprinting towards your teammates eagerly.

As you ran back to your starting position, your eyes met your parents'. You smiled. It was always special to play with them watching, but it was even better when you won. As long as you could play keep away for a few more minutes, that Cup was yours.


After running to your parents in the stands, you'd rejoined your team as you hoisted the trophy.

Unable to shake the grin off your face, you turned to your coach and wrapped him in a bear hug. He'd squeezed you just as tightly, an even bigger smile on his face than yours.

"You're going to do big things, Mewis," he mumbled in your ear. "That guy in the green baseball cap is here to talk to you. I hope you accept his offer."

As he patted you on the shoulder, you wondered what that "guy in the green baseball cap" could want. It sounded hella suspicious, but your Coach would never hurt you.

Oh well, you had a black belt in Taekwondo, what could he do, anyways?


He could change your life, apparently.

You walked up to him, a polite smile on your face when he said, "You must be Miss Y/N Mewis. I'm Jonas."

He seemed familiar, but you couldn't seem to remember where you knew him from. "Jonas what?"

He tilted his head upward. "Eidevall. Jonas Eidevall."

You gaped at him, unsure if you'd heard him right. "You wuh- ?"

He chuckled. "I assume you know who I am?"

You nodded your head vigorously. You couldn't believe that THE Jonas Eidevall, Manager of Arsenal Women's Football Club was standing right in front of you.

"Wha- uhm, what are you doing here?" You stumbled over your words like a fool. "Not that- uh, not that I'm complaining, of course."

He smiled. "I was scouting for new and upcoming talents, such as yourself. I attended your last game as well. Some very impressive goals you've scored."

"Thanks," you swallowed. "So- why did you want to talk to me?"

"Well," he stated hopefully. "I was
just wondering... if you'd like to sign for Arsenal's first team?"

"Ubuh- hu- wa?" You stuttered, your eyes glassy. "You uh- me? I mean, yes!"

He beamed. "Great! We'd have to go over some things with your parents, of course, since you're only 16, but we can definitely make this happen. What do you say you introduce me?"

Sorry to all the Blues out there, but I'm a diehard gooner 🤷‍♂️ 🤷‍♀️

Hope yall enjoyed, thanks for reading!

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