Speech! Speech! Speech!

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We gon act like this is towards the end of quarantine bc I don't want to write another filler chapter
I'm running out of stupid jokes to use lmao
"Katie!" You slammed the door open, the Irish woman throwing her phone upwards in surprise.

"Y/N ya' fookin..." she screeched, snatching her phone out of the air as Caitlin cackled on FaceTime. "What ya' doin' ya' little shit?"

"I'm bored!" You grumbled, slamming the door shut again for dramatic effect. "There's nothing to do!"

Katie sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose as Caitlin chuckled at her friends' misfortune.

"Have fun dealing with your Mini-Me!" Caitlin snickered to Katie. "Byeee!"

"Y/N, don't you have to be on Zoom for the Ballon d'Or Ceremony tomorrow?"

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that." You hummed.

She facepalmed. "You forgot you were gonna win a Ballon d'Or?"

"Yeah," you shrugged nonchalantly. "I got a five-minute memory span."

"Clearly." She mumbled under her breath. "Now shoo, I got stuff to do."


"Welcome to the 2021 Ballon d'Or Ceremony!" The man introduced. "We're here today to-"

You zoned out, completely ignoring the introductory speech which was, in your opinion, very boring.

A few minutes later, Leah, who was off-camera with your other two roommates, snapped her fingers to get your attention. You sheepishly turned your gaze back towards the screen as they began to announce the winner.

"We have had many great candidates for this year's Ballon d'Or, but only one can win. This year's Ballon d'Or winner is..."

You began to pick at your fingernails, completely certain that you weren't going to win.

"...Y/N Mewis!"

Your head snapped up in surprise.

"Before we get a speech, we have some statements from both Y/N's teammates and opponents," he cleared his throat. "From Chelsea and AUSWNT Striker Sam Kerr: 'Y/N is a sarcastic, fun-loving girl who has everyone's best interests in mind. Yes, she may get into the occasional fight in the pitch, but she has never once thrown hands or lost control. Off the pitch, she's a great friend and a very kind person who has never refused a fan a picture or autograph.'"

You smiled at the sweet words from your future sister-in-law.

"From Emma Hayes and players at Chelsea WFC: 'When we lost the Champion's League Finals, the first thing Y/N did was congratulate us for our efforts. She apologized for her wonderful performance during the match that most definitely was the cause of Arsenal's win, and she made sure that we knew our efforts weren't in vain. True sportsmanship at its finest.'"

"'From Vlatko Andonovski and the USWNT: 'Y/N always works hard during practices in games, and never settles for being less than the best. Whether on or off the pitch, she is able to make us all smile and laugh effortlessly with her witty, sarcastic sense of humor.'"

"And lastly, from Arsenal WFC's Katie McCabe, Leah Williamson, and Jordan Nobbs: 'Y/N's an amazing roommate who always does her part around the house and helps us with our own. Whenever we're feeling down, she'll pick us right back up with a sarcastic joke or jab that gets us rolling on the floor. She is great company to have, even if she is not at all a morning person and wakes up at 2PM when unbothered.'"

You gaped at the three smiling Gunners who were sitting on the couch, dragging your thumb across your throat menacingly before remembering that this was being livestreamed on YouTube and televised in multiple countries.

The host chuckled along with a few other unmuted players. "Speech?"

You smiled, willing yourself not to be awkward. Since you hadn't expected to win, you definitely did not have a speech planned.

"I'd like to thank me family for always being there. Especially my sisters, Kristie and Sam, who have always been supportive of me playing Soccer and practicing with me when they could.

I'd also like to thank Jonas Eidevall and the Gunners for taking a chance on me. I hadn't even finished high school and I'd been offered a spot on one of the best clubs in London. If it weren't for their faith, I wouldn't be here today.

Emma Hayes, Chelsea FC Women, thank you fo your kind words and appreciation. It means a lot coming from our biggest rivals," you joked. "Vlatko, National teammates, you all may annoy me 24/7, but you're all so much fun to go to camp and hang out with, and I can't express my appreciation for the call-up.

Katie, Leah, Jordan... thank you for always being there to help pick me head up whether I'm feeling sick, hurt, or tired. You always put up with me and try to make me smile. I'm grateful for everything you do, and I'm so glad that you're all willing to carry me down the stairs in the early mornin'."

Katie was unable to hold in her hearty laughter, both her and Jordan's snickering being picked up by the microphone.

"Love ya' all lots!" You waved enthusiastically at the camera, muting yourself as the host finished up the ceremony.

Covering your mouth with your hand, you grumbled, "I can't believe you've exposed me sleepin' habits on live TV!"

Katie smirked, mocking, "Love ya' lots!"


"Y/N!" Kristie shouted excitedly over the phone, your older sister calling you as soon as the ceremony had finished. "We're so proud of you!"

"Thanks, Kris," you smiled. "It means a lot."

Your other sister, Sam, whom Kristie had added to the call a minute ago yelled, "No drinking when you celebrate tonight!"

You shook your head in amusement. "I wasn't plannin' on it ya' dumbfuck."

"Language!" Kristie tutted. "Also, I've been meaning to ask you: what's with the accent?"

"Oh come off it ya' fookin' cu-"


Timeline's all whack lol
Next chapter's gonna be set like a lil less than a year later when quarantines is bye bye

Hope you enjoyed, thanks for reading!

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