Chapter 23: Glimpse

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Chapter 23: Glimpse

Warning: I apologize for my grammatical errors because English is not my first language, I hope I get to deliver my story very well. This story might include bad words so if you're uncomfortable with it please do excuse yourself.


Becca's Pov

It's been a long day at the office but nothing unusual. Just my usual day such as cleaning and studying- well, and a lady boss who keeps on staring at me while she's having an online meeting with some of the huge investors.

I put my bag on the bed and was about to walk my way to the comfort room when I notice a black shoes by my bedrooms' doorway.

Which is dumb because why would someone put it there instead in the entrance.

"Who are you? How did you get in?" I asked as I took a deep breath to prepare myself because who knows what may happen.

"Oh, you've arrived." He said, by the voice I could tell that he's Saint. I don't know why but he gave me the creeps. I don't like it.

He open the door and drag me in, I couldn't do anything because what can I do at this situation anyway?

"I have something to tell you." He said and took a seat on my bed, I remain standing still because I don't want to share a bed with him. I have to change the sheets later.

"Is that why you're here? To tell me something?" I asked, raising my brows in suspicion.

"I guess Ms. Sarocha told you to be aware of me." He said but I just shook my head 'no', "No, you just gave me the creeps." I said. My statemend made him laugh so hard he fell off my bed.

What is his deal?

"Your sensor or whatever you call it is so bad at sensing." He said as he stood up and wipe his tears, "You sensed that I gave you the creeps? And yet you didn't sense Ms. Sarocha? That's a fucked up sensory." He said and stood up. He walked by the door while I looked at him utterly confused.

What does he mean by that?

"What do you mean? Are you here to speak negatively about her? Are you trying to confuse me? Because you're doing it at the wrong person, mister." I said, my voice is raising because I couldn't control my patience anymore.

He is speaking nonsense.

But what if he's not?

"I'm not. I'm just saying don't be too blinded because if I gave you the creeps, you're ignorant because to be honest- your lady back at Diversity gave the other world creeps... or maybe nightmares." He said and open the door.

"You can start getting to know her if you search someone by the name of Freen." He said and left the room.


That name again.

He's not lying.


Noey's Pov

"Hey, should we go clubbing?" Nessa suggest but I just shook my head no. My instinct is all over the place today, I don't know why.

"Are you good, Noey?" Engfa asked as soon as she walk in, wiping the blood off her knife.

"Something's off." I commented.

Suddenly, the door blasted open with a fuming Freen. Her eyes is looking all over the places, she has a gun on her hand and a knife on the other.

"Freen, what are you doing? Hey! Put that down! What the hell is happening?!" I shouted as I tried to calm her down. Engfa, Nessa and Heng were at the back, trying to hide from Freen.

Now that I think about it, it's their first time seeing her face. Freen must be losing her mind for her to be doing this impulsively. Usually she's careful and alert but recently, she's been doing stuff recklessly which is dangerous.

"Where. The. Fuck. Is. Saint?" She asked, word by word. You can feel the intensity and I'm trying so hard to maintain my calmness because her anger is draining me. It's so scary.

"We don't know, Freen. What's going on?" I asked, trying to put the knife and the gun down but instead she point it at me.

"Where is he Noey?" She asked. I raise my hands up to tell her I'm not doing anything against her.

"We really don't know. He didn't come here." I said calmly.

She put the gun down, I slowly approach her and grab her arms before dragging her out of the room and into mine.

"What's going on, Freen? You just reveal yourself to them! Good thing that it's only the three of them, are you seriously losing your mind?" I scolded, she gave me the death stare and I immediately gulped.

"Don't talk to me like that." She said and I just nodded, "I'm sorry, I'm just worried." I said and she just nodded in understanding.

"That jerk told Becca about my other name. Becca's suspicious of me now." She said and my eyes widen.

This guy really is a fucking rat.

He saw a weakness and grab it immediately.

"How did you know? Did she confront you about it?" I asked, she went silent and then look at me with her teary eyes.

That shocked me.

She's on the verge of crying.

"Yes, and the look in her eyes.. Noey, that hurt. She look so.. disappointed." She said as her voice cracked. I could feel her heart breaking by the tone of her voice.

"I don't know what I'm going to do anymore." She said and cried.

Cried herself to sleep. I just stayed there until she fell asleep.

That jerk. Fuck.

He should be thankful that Freen lay low in the underground but with this, I bet Freen's going to reign the underground with terror once again.

He taunts her.

And she'll show him what it means to mess with her.

[End of Chapter 23]

Author's Note:
Hello everyone! I have energy to publish one chapter. How's everyone doing? I've been having difficulty with my illness but I guess a chapter won't hurt.

I don't know when I'll publish the next one but if I can, I will.

Thank you all for reading my story! It has been an honor guys. Thank you for the patience.

I love you xoxo

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