Chapter 21: The Unholy

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Chapter 21: The Unholy

Warning: I apologize for my grammatical errors because English is not my first language, I hope I get to deliver my story very well. This story might include bad words so if you're uncomfortable with it please do excuse yourself.


Noey's Pov

I punch his face as hard as I could, he's literally knocked out.

Oh, that? Just a random dude that pissed me off. No worries.

"You got into a fight again?" Nessa asked as she lit a cigarette, leaning on the table nearby while staring at this dude's body.

"Well, more like- you beat him up.." she corrected herself after glancing at his unconscious body, I shrug and took the handkerchief in my pocket and wipe my bloody hands off.

"Well, he kept on tailing Irin and I don't like it." I said, that's when she burst out laughing she choke on the smoke.


"Love really makes a person crazy." She commented as she throw the cigarette away, "Why are you here in the first place?" I asked, staring at her while she's staring at nowhere.

"Saint is coming back." She said, she just drop the news causally, like a bomb that ticks and eventually explodes. I snap her a look so quick I almost broke my neck.

"Jesus, chill out." Nessa said, giggling.

"Does Freen knows about it?" I asked, Nessa shook her head no.

"No, she hasn't report in the HQ for awhile. It's weird because she's been real quiet these past few days." Nessa said and I tried my very best to hold back my smile.

Well, because she's busy with her little tiger named Rebecca.

That girl is going to be a problem if she knows about Freen's real identity. The fact that she wants to be a lawyer too, that's a headache. What's more of a headache is the fact that Freen enrolled her to be a lawyer, providing her with education and disregarding the fact that sooner or later, Becky's going to be after her neck and will be the reason to her downfall.

"I'll relay the information to her. When is Saint coming back?" I asked, "Tonight." She said and turn around to leave after I nodded.

Saint. Despite the name, he's an unholy bastard who hides in a friendly face.

It's not like he's a problem when it comes to physical fight, he's more like a rat- a very sneaky rat.

He's Freen's only cousin but the others knew him as Freen's number one enemy, just that. He's the only person that survives Freen's slaughter a few years back mainly because he went out of town. Unfortunately, he figured out Freen's plan of slaughtering the whole family.

The fact that he went out of town alone without telling the whole family about Freen's plan makes me confused.

What is his plan? Why didn't he told them?

I called her and after three rings, she answered it. Without wasting much time, I dropped the news.

"Saint is back. Tonight." I said and just like that, she ended the call.

Becky's Pov

"Let's take a break." Mr. Howard said as I nodded and stood up, I went out of the room and noticed that Ms. Sarocha's drawer is open. As what my memory recall this drawer is always lock.

I sighed and went to close it but stopped midway when I saw different kinds of guns, magazines and bullets. It's arranged neatly and I don't know how to react.

I understand if she owned like atleast two guns.. but this? This many? Most are gold and silver but for sure are customized.

Who is she?


I recalled Noey calling her that, I don't know why but my guts is telling me something.

I close it immediately and went out of the building to buy something at the nearest convenience store. I need fresh air. My mind is all over the place.

My instinct is telling me something and I don't want to believe it. It's like-- it's giving me directions into something I know is dangerous.

I took a chocolate drink and a biscuit, my mind is still up on the clouds.

Suddenly, I bumped unto someone. I look up because he's a tall guy with a milky white skin. He has this innocent looking face with a nice smile, I'm glad he doesn't look angry because of the fact that I bumped onto him.

"I'm so sorry." I apologize and bow countless times, he held my arm to prevent me from bowing anymore as he giggled.

"Hey- it's all cool." He assured and I just gave him an awkward smile, "You're buying that? Let me." He said as he grab the things I was about to buy. I just stood there, shocked.

"Oh- um, you don't need to do that. Let me pay you." I said but he just flick my forehead to prevent me from talking anymore.

"It's all good sweetie, it's my bad for not looking at my way either." He said and gave me the chocolate drink and biscuits. He made sure it's in the separate bag.

"See you around. The name is Saint, yours?" He introduced as he extend his hand for a handshake, I was about to accept his hand when I noticed a little plastic around his hand.

Mr. Howard tackle something like this in his discussion before, I might be overthinking this but sneaky criminals use things such as plastics to take your fingerprints.

I just gave him a smile instead, "Rebecca." I said, not bothering to shake his hands. Mr. Howard is a great teacher, because of his lessons I noticed every little detail, gestures, action, methods and behaviors. Everything.

The fact that he's sneaking, want to take my fingerprint by using that method. I can't help but overthink things because in the first place, why would he do that? What for?

In the end, I took his fingerprints because he took my foods. I guess I'm sneaky too?

"Nice name. See you around, yeah?" He said and leave the store. After the door closed, I breathe out the air I didn't know I was holding.

Despite his innocent looking face there's something bad about that guy. My instinct is telling me not to trust him.

My phone rang. I took it and noticed that I received a text, it's from Ms. Sarocha.

Ms. Sarocha 🐰
Where are you? Come back here. I miss you.

I smiled reading her text, I just know I'm blushing hard. Who would've thought that the CEO I've been seeing around the news and magazine is clingy to me?

I'll be there. Wait for me.

I texted back and put it in my pocket as I hoppity hop my way to the company.

What a great day.. yes, a great day.

[End of Chapter 21]

Author's Note:
Hello everyone! How's everyone doing? I manage to have some time to publish a new chapter today despite my busy schedule, I'll find some time to make new chapters every now and then.

Thank you for understanding! Have a blessed weekend!

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