Chapter 16: The Grumpy and The Kitten

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Chapter 16: The Grumpy and The Kitten

Warning: I apologize for my grammatical errors because English is not my first language, I hope I get to deliver my story very well. This story might include bad words so if you're uncomfortable with it please do excuse yourself.


Bec's Pov

I follow Ms. Sarocha up to the locker. I don't even know why I followed her, maybe because I noticed that she's been very grumpy lately.

She took off her ponytail as she turn around when she notice that I was by the door, she rolls her eyes at me and proceed to take off her shoes.

"Ms. Sarocha.." I started off, I don't even know what to say. "I said sorry to your lover, okay? It's just a game." She said and I raise my brows at her, what is she talking about?

"Lover?" I asked, she scoff at me and went to where I'm standing.

"Yes, lover. That Araya girl is your lover." She said firmly as if what she said disgust her to the bone.

"We're nowhere anything like that. Also, why are you so grumpy?" I asked as I went pass her and took a seat on the bench.

"I'm talking to you as a person right now, Ms. Sarocha. Not as your employee." I said as I cross my arms, she relaxes and roll her eyes at me and then proceed to one of the lockers. She took her bag and ignore me. First, she's being grumpy and now she's giving me silent treatment.

Really great.

"None of your business." She spat and took the towel out of her bag, I look at her in utter disbelief.

Out of annoyance I follow her and went inside the cubicle she's in.

"Wha--" Ms. Sarocha started off but I just pinch her waist and glare at her. The cubicle is small but there's enough space for us to breathe in.

"Stop being grumpy already, what's your problem?" I asked, getting annoyed by now.

"Get out of the cubicle." She firmly said. I just cross my arms at her and gave her a glare, if she's being grumpy and stubborn right now then I'll have to return the favor.

"No." I said, trying to be stubborn. She can't even go out because I'm blocking the door, I'm going to do whatever it takes for her to tell me what's her problem. It's difficult to handle her if I don't know what's wrong.

She approach me, her dark aura is radiating but all I see is a sulking child. She's about to grab the door knob behind me but before she could do that, I grab her collar, pull her close, and rest my chin on her shoulders. This causes her to stop whatever she's trying to do.

"Care to share what's making you so grumpy?" I asked in a calmer voice, if I want her to talk I'll have to relax.

"I said that I want to watch you play, but not as my enemy. You even join the other team and now we lost, hmp." I sulked, she didn't respond. Instead, she took a very deep sigh.

"You do now realize that I'm a better player than that beloved captain of yours?" She said in a mocking voice. Like a lightning that strikes, my jaw almost dropped. Still, I don't want to assume unless it came from her mouth. I want her to say it.

"Araya and I are friends, that's it. Also, if we're more than that then I would've kiss her bruises back there." I teased, she groan in annoyance and was about to leave the cubicle but I tighten her collar to make her stay.

"Let go, I said." Ms. Sarocha said but I didn't listen to her.

Suddenly, the lockers' door open. "Bec, are you here? The games are about to start. Other sports are canceled." Araya said, I can see how Ms. Sarocha's jaw clenched in annoyance.

I was about to answer back when Ms. Sarocha put a hand over my mouth, I just look at her in confusion.

"Shut up." Ms. Sarocha mumble and roll her eyes at me, her body pressed to mine and I swear I can hear my heart banging through my ears. That's how loud my heart beats.

Araya leave the room and I was about to leave the cubicle in order to play the remaining games when Ms. Sarocha pin me in the door instead.

"Now you're going? Earlier you were persistent to make me stay here even though I asked you to leave countless times and now, Araya showed up and you're following her like a dog?" She sarcastically said and I just look at her in disbelief, I can't even grasp the conclusion her mind makes.

"Well, she said that the games are up." I said, she pin me to the door again but this time harder. I can tell that she's in a bad mood again.

"Don't follow." Ms. Sarocha said and I just raise my brows at her. "Why?" I asked, I'm going to make her say it and I don't care how long it will take.

"I'm jealous." Ms. Sarocha said as she look away, "I'm jealous and no, you're not playing games together. Next year there will be no sports fest, this fest sucks." Ms. Sarocha rants, I just laugh at her. I knew it.

So, she's jealous.

"Let's play together then?" I asked, she didn't say anything but the way her eyes lit up because of the idea is so cute. I just know that she's going to play now since her mood is better than before.

"Okay then." She said, she kick me out of the cubicle for real this time. I smile and went to take a seat on the vacant bench.


Our first game is couple race, the partner is by own choice. Ms. Sarocha sets the rule.

I waited for Ms. Sarocha to arrive to where I was but a lady block her way and decided to take her arm, I noticed that she's one of the board members' niece. She's around Ms. Sarocha's age.

I don't know why her arms encircling Ms. Sarocha's arm as if they're close is making my blood boils.

Out of annoyance, I decided to approach the couple.

"Are you done? The match is about to start." I said and almost gave the lady a glare because that girl is a literal bad news. I held myself back because still, I'm just a mere employee here. I don't have any rights to be angry at anyone.

Ms. Sarocha seems to be taken back and pull her arm out of the girl almost immediately, "Sure, let's go and also Ms. Reema, don't do that again or I'll have your uncle fired. Don't touch me without my permission. I hate being touched." Ms. Sarocha said before she leaves.

Ms. Sarocha grab my hand and drag me towards the starting line, "Don't glare at me like that again, you look like a sulking puppy." She said and I just roll my eyes internally.

"Let's just do this so you can have your lovely time with others." I said, she grab my wrist and put my arm around her waist.

I thought she doesn't like being touched?

"Lovely time with others? That's a no. I'd rather run around in circles for 4 hours straight." She said, I held back my laugh and just look away.

"Ms. Sarocha! You can do it!" The girls scream, Ms. Sarocha gave them a smile but I don't know why it annoyed me but it make me happy for her at the same time.

"Let's talk later, don't be mad at me." Ms. Sarocha whispered, I swift my head around because of what she said.

"I am not mad, why would I be?" I asked. That's literally absurd, why would I get mad? That's her life and I don't have any rights to dictate her life.

She's not my girlfriend. End of discussion.

"Let's just go or should I carry you all the way to the finish line?" She asked, I didn't even notice that the race is already starting.

"Stop teasing me already." I whined, she just giggle and nodded. "Okay, okay, what a kitten." She said, I just ignore her.

I can feel my heart beating like crazy, what the hell is this feeling? I don't like it because it's new to me and I'm scared.

I don't even like her THAT WAY.

Bu- but what if I do?

[End of Chapter 16]

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