Chapter 19: Slip

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Chapter 19: Slip

Warning: I apologize for my grammatical errors because English is not my first language, I hope I get to deliver my story very well. This story might include bad words so if you're uncomfortable with it please do excuse yourself.


Bec's Pov

"Dismissed." Mr. Howard dismissed the session as I gave him my thanks, ever since that day Mr. Howard has been so professional. I just know Ms. Sarocha told him something because this is such a drastic change.

My phone rang signaling that there's an incoming text. Ms. Sarocha isn't in the office because she has a business trip in Macau. Her mood has been great because of the investors who wants to have a joint business with her but as a business minded person like Ms. Sarocha, she wouldn't agree unless she likes their business.

One time a tycoon came here personally and tried to bribe Ms. Sarocha. His offers sucks though.

His offer includes a position in the underground world. I know how dangerous the underground world and gave her a signal to not take it because she's been staring at the guy for almost five minutes. I think she wants to.

She just gave me a smirk and shrug before declining his offer.

From: Araya

Hey Bec! The gang wants you to come later. Are you up for it? We're gonna drink, it's Neena's birthday. Neena said you can invite anyone.

To: Araya

Will surely come! I'll clean up here then we'll go. Tell Neena happy birthday. Also, I'm gonna bring a friend if it's okay with you? She's sulking at me because we haven't bond in ages.

From: Araya

No worries. They're going to take Neena's car so it might be full, you can hitch on mine.

To: Araya

Thank you! I'll chat you later :))

After I press sent, I dial Irin's number to tell her about the plans. She said she'll come and I smile happily, she's not sulking anymore I guess.

I clean up the office and went to the bathroom to freshen up. I just wash my face and put something to look presentable.

I don't have a session tomorrow so I guess I'm free to have a night out. Araya texted me that she's already waiting at the parking lot while the others went first to prepare the table. I walk my way to the elevator and press the basement since the parking lot is located at the basement.

I saw Araya standing next to her red Honda Civic car and gave her a smile as soon as she look up. I took my phone and realize that Irin gave me a text regarding her address, I show it to Araya since I don't know where it is. She just nodded and open the car door for me.

"Thank you." I said and smile, she just nodded and went to the driver's seat afterwards.

"Oh, your seatbelt." She commented as soon as she went inside. Before I could grab my seatbelt, she took the belt on the other side as she's awfully close. She stopped doing anything as she keeps on staring at me, I just stare back trying to prepare whatever she tries to do.

"Um- sorry." She said then adjust the belt before she went back to her seat and took a deep sigh. I just look outside the window because it felt awkward.

If it's Ms. Sarocha, I just know my heart is going to explode at that very moment.


After we pick Irin, we went to the bar they told us about. It's your typical bar but atleast this one is clean. They requested the VIP room in order to avoid the people dancing on the dance floor, they're so into each other that it intimidates me. They're drunk as hell.

We settle inside the room as I went and approach Irin, "Why did you decide to accompany me to the bar?" I asked since she never insisted in joining this kind of activity before.

"Noey again?" I asked and gave her a smirk, she just roll my eyes at me. "Shut up and no, I'm not even jealous. I'm just here to have fun." She said, the slip causes me to give her a wide grin.

"Oh, you're jealous?" I asked, she just shook her head aggressively. "Me? With her and that ugly frog? No way!" She said defensively.

"I just ask if it's Noey but you told me you're not jealous even though I didn't ask. You blurt it out." I said, she just stare at me in disbelief and went to grab the glass and straight up drink it.

Yep, she's definitely jealous.

I just let her drink and drink. It's time for her to accept that she really have feelings for Noey since she kept on declining it. She's hurting herself by denying her feelings.

My phone rang signaling that there's an incoming call, I pull out the phone out of pocket as I try to steady my sight. I drink quite a lot but I'm still sober.

Oh, it's Noey.

I answer the call as I hear the panic in Noey's voice, "Bec? Bec? Is Irin there? Do you know where she is?" She asked.

"Yes, I'll give you the address." I said, she gave her thanks and ended the call as I texted her the address.

I can feel the sudden jolt of my body, I'll have to visit restroom for this. I excuse myself and told them I'll go to the restroom for the meantime. They just nodded and even gave me a thumbs up, they're all drunk.

After using the restroom, I went outside to find Araya standing on the door frame. She's quite drunk, I don't know why she's here though..

"Hey, you shouldn't have left there. You're drunk." I said and held her arms to keep her balance steady, she just gave me a smile.

"I want to accompany you. I don't want anything to happen to you." She said, I just giggle because I find it so adorable.

"Nothing happened. Come on, let's go." I said and put her arms around my shoulders as we went back to the VIP room.

We walk our way towards the VIP room, I find Araya's actions so funny. It's like anytime she's going to fall down the floor and just sleep.

As soon as we enter the room, Araya encircle her arms around my neck and gave me kiss. She almost kissed my lips but I look away immediately so she ended up kissing my cheeks.

I look at her dumbfounded.

This is definitely the alcohol's doing.

She grab my face and was about to kiss me again when she got pulled away full force and got pin at the wall. I didn't notice Ms. Sarocha is here as well as Noey.

I'm confused. What is she doing here?

I saw Ms. Sarocha took something on her waistline as my eyes widen in shock.

Why does she have a gun?

Noey immediately went to the two and pull her arms back, she whispered something to Ms. Sarocha and it seems that Ms. Sarocha regained her sense of self after that.

But what confused me with Noey's whisper is the name she called her.


Is that her nickname?

[End of Chapter 19]

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