Chapter 24: Disappointments

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Chapter 24: Disappointments.

Warning: I apologize for my grammatical errors because English is not my first language, I hope I get to deliver my story very well. This story might include bad words so if you're uncomfortable with it please do excuse yourself.


Sarocha's Pov

I arranged my stuff so that Becca doesn't have much to clean and we would talk and bond the whole day. I even finish my whole month of schedule in just 4 days so we could go on a vacation, I'm planning to bring her to a mountain where we can go camping and relax our mind and body.

I bet she need that as much as I do.

I'm kind of nervous.

How should I invite her? Do I just directly ask her to come? What if she'll say no? Or bring out my bossy self and tell her to come with me whether she likes it or not? I mean- I don't like that though, I don't want to force her into anything.

Anyways, I'll just ask her to come and if she doesn't want to and said 'no', I'll ask her for suggestions in which places she wants to go. Anywhere with her is fine anyway.

I stare at the clock and it says 8 am, she'll be here any minute now. I don't know why my palms are sweating and my heart is beating loudly. Something is off no matter how much I push the feeling away.

I stood up and walk my way to my fridge, I need a bottle of water. I need to calm my nerves down because it's all over the place.

I was about to go back to my swivel chair when I saw her by the door, she's staring at the floor and she's not even moving.

She just stood there.

I just look at her confusingly.

"Becca? What are you standing there for? Come on in." I said, smiling, because I cannot stop myself from smiling everytime I see her silhouette.

She didn't talk, she didn't move, no- nothing.

What is wrong with her? Is her dad being aggressive with her again? I swear if he does, I'll have to teach that man a lesson. A lesson that he won't ever forget.

"Ms. Sarocha, can I talk to you?" She suddenly spoke, her voice is soft but I can sense the nervousness in them, I can even see how she swallowed that nervousness away.

Did I scare her?

What's wrong with her today? Like seriously.

"Sure, Becca. Take a seat. Are you okay? Is something wrong? Are you hurt anywhere?" I asked, I didn't even know I could talk and ask questions that fast.

She didn't answer any of them. It bothered me, really. But I didn't dare to let my outburst win, I have to know what's wrong with her without scaring her.

She walk her way in front of my desk and just stood there. She didn't sit down, she just stood there as she gather up every courage she has on her nerves.

"What's wrong?" I asked again, this time, gently.

"Please answer me honestly, Ms. Sarocha. I know this is not my business to know but I guess when you confessed to me, I should know every part of you because I know I'll love you eventually." She started off.

I don't know why I'm blushing, but you know- that last sentence.

She knew she's going to fall for me. Okay, stop beating that loud, I could barely breathe jeez.

"I don't want you to lie to me." She said again. I don't know why but her eyes is telling me something I don't like.

There's.. pain and disappointment in them that is reflecting from her tears that is threatening to fall.

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