Felix Volturi - period HC

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So... was having a hard time with my period and only thought was... what would Felix do? So here's perfect husband Felix taking care of you while you're on your period.

From the moment you woke up Felix knew something was up. You were lacking the usual energy you had in the morning, too tired to even be grumpy. One sniff and he could tell with the blood he smelt that it was that time of the month.Felix is a very caring mate, he will run you a warm bath so you can relax, and if you accidentally stained the bedsheets or your pj's he will clean them and change the sheets in case you want to go back to bed.If you're still in the bathroom he will check on you, and wash you if you wish him to (please let him take care of you he loves it)A warm and soft towel will be ready for you (he will even dry you if you ask him to) and your favorite comfortable clothing will be ready (he will feel extra soft if you chose to wear his old The Cure tee he left for you)He is a very busy guard, but expect him to spend as much time as he can with you, checking once in a while between duties to be sure you are alright.He will make sure you have enough water at your disposition, along with food and your favorite snacks, would it be chocolate, berries... You name it and he's already giving them to you, along with a cute heating pad to ease up the cramps.Speaking of cramps, if he can he will hold you against him on his bed, soothingly rub your lower belly to reduce the cramps. Somehow it always works.No matter what you use, pads, tampons or period panties, he will make sure you have enough and that they are to your liking. If you need something, he will either get it himself or send the current secretary if it's too sunny for him to go outside (then he will stay with you)Felix will make sure you have enough to entertain yourself, TV, movies and shows, books, your latest needlecraft at hand... And if you wish to rest and he is free to stay with you, he will hold you, caressing your head and leaving soft kisses on top of it or on your nose to make you smileFelix is the perfect husband, and makes the last few times you experiment your periods a nicer and more comfortable experience. I need a Felix in my life.

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