Felix Volturi

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When your coven had brought you with them in Volterra, you were not sure of what to expect. But certainly not that lovely pull leading you to him...

It was simple courtoisie, your coven mates said. A visit to present you to the vampire royalty. You had learned about them of course, after all every newborn properly taken care of had. You had learned about them, the three kings, their powerful tracker, and the fearsome head of the guard! The bloody and brutal Felix, terrifyingly strong executioner, assisting his kings in the Romanian war, and the bloodbath that was the hunt of the children of the moon.

And you, sweet and lovely thing you were, had been told by nomads and members of your own coven to be warry of him, to keep it low and to respect the law. And so you did.

Which bring you back to the present moment. The mate pull leading you to the tall and handsome man standing before you. If Felix was a beast, like they said, he surely was a beautiful one.

So when he called your name, oh so softly, lovingly, you did the only thing you could think of: meeting his beautiful eyes, you took his hand and never looked back.

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