The Lost Boys 1987

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Red Sting of Fate - David x Dwaynex Marko x Paul x transmasc! emerson! reader

Soulmate trope: Pulled toward the place where your soulmate is/are?

Featuring a Transmasc (and really self-indulgent) reader and poly lost boys (who were not really expecting someone else )

Starting over. It's what mom had promised after she divorced and we left dad behind. It was the best thing that happened to us in a while. I would be regretting Phoenix, its underground scene, and all of the punk I grew up surrounded by thanks to my babysitter. But it was for the best, I knew that going to Gramps would be nice, he had a big house and lived not too far from the ocean, something I've been longing for dearly.

What made the change easier was the pull I felt that was getting stronger the closer we would get to Santa Carla. Really, it would be rather cool if I happened to find my soulmate here. I couldn't wait to meet him. I just hoped that the homophobia wouldn't be horrible here. Dad had been homophobic enough for the rest of my life.

In the car, my twin and younger brother were fighting over stupid again, as mom was changing the music. I wish I had a bike like Mikey so I could have used it. But alas I was stuck here with my idiotic brothers.

Soon mom pulled over to Santa Carla, and on the back of the big board was written in crimson "Murder Capital of the World" Mikey and I shared a worried glance: what the hell were we getting into?

As mom stopped, Mikey got his bike off the car and rode it, following us home. The house was creepy, and my brothers seemed convinced we were getting in a horror movie.

We settled down, and the boys fought for their room, running and messing with each other while I was putting my clothes in my wardrobe, listening to some tunes, and hanging posters on my walls and ceiling.

When the evening came, I joined mom on her way around the boardwalk for a little while, but when she approached a tape store I decided to go my way and look at the different stalls to see if I could get something for my patch jacket. I had been working on it for a while, and it's one of my favorite pieces of clothing from before I transitioned. It had been through all my teenage years, and I couldn't imagine wearing another jacket.

I noticed something interesting and went to look for it, ignoring the pull I felt that was changing. Browsing through the stuff, I decided for a cool pin, and a skull patch. Very classic, but it would blend well with the rest of the jacket, which was mostly covered in band patches and vampire-themed ones. When I was looking for chains on another stall not that far, I saw a cute blond guy with curly hair starting to look for stuff beside me. As I was reaching for a cool chain, he took it, before apologizing as our hands brushed. Damn, even his face was really cute, he looked like those angels on renaissance paintings. The way I felt at ease with him was surreal, and when he offered to give me the chain, I accepted. I even let him fix it on my jacket with some safety pins he found in his pocket. He had one of the coolest patch jacket I'd ever seen, and we chatted about custom tips until I spotted mom and bid him goodbye, smiling when he promised me we would meet again.

When I went to mom, she told me she got a job at that video store, and I was happy for her. I showed her the stuff I got, and when she came to the topic of the boy I was with, I realized that I forgot to ask his name.

We came home, and I quickly washed before going to bed. That's when I realized the pull I had felt much stronger in the angelic boy company... Shit, could it be? Had he felt the same way and was it the reason he said we would meet again? Because he knew where to find me?

With my thoughts all turned towards him, I fell asleep with my window open, not paying attention to the pull that was getting stronger again.

The day ran smoothly, I learned that Mikey had met his dream girl last night, the pull leading him to her, but apparently she had left with some bickers. I told him about the pretty boy I had met, and how I thought he was the one the pull was leading me to. It seemed surreal that twins would find both of their soulmates in the same town, but here we were. Since I wanted to find my angel boy again, we decided that we would go together to the boardwalk tonight and try to find them. He was curious about the boy I had met and wanted to meet him like I wanted to meet that girl.

I spent the rest of the day sewing patches on my jacket, adding studs and the pin I got yesterday, before meeting Mikey outside. Sam was staying in since gramps was there. Mom didn't like the idea of letting her younger son alone.

I climbed behind Mikey, and we left together. I loved his bike and was saving up to buy myself one. But a better one, though. His had limits and I just wanted one to go wild.

We were soon on the boardwalk and started to look for our mates. While I was confused about the pull, Mikey was more successful and managed to meet his girl. Her name was Star, and while they were talking I was trying my best to try to get where the pull was trying to lead me, without success. It was as if it wanted me to go four different ways, it was driving me crazy. We were soon back to the bike, and that's when Mikey realized that he couldn't give a ride to both Star and me.

As I was trying to back up, I felt the pull and turned my head to the four bikers that were circling us. Could it be?... no way... As I shook my head, the one who seemed to be their leader called Star, silently telling her to ride with him. But I didn't pay much attention to the girl as my eyes met angel boy's ones. The one I understood was called David dared Michael to a race, and I turned to my brother when he said that he had to take me home. Smirking, David told him that his brother was free to ride with Marko, talking about me. I silently asked Mikey what he thought about it, and when he nodded I turned to the bikers, letting the pretty boy from yesterday pull me on his bike. I blushed when I realized that thanks to this crop top I was in direct contact with his skin when held onto him. After one glance from David who made sure I was secured with Marko, the former rode off and the blond with the wild hair followed, then Marko and the brunet. When I turned, I saw my brother trying to keep up. Soon we left the sand for a road, and I slowly relaxed, even if the boys were driving like crazy. To be honest, I was having the time of my life and soon laughed and hollered with the boys. Mikey was keeping up, I was having fun, maybe everything would turn alright...

As we reached Hudson Bluff, Mike got off his bike and punched David. I swiftly held my brother back, and shivered when David said "How far are you willing to go Michael?". After sending a smile in my direction, David led the way to a cave. I was trying to not fall, and the brunet who introduced himself as Dwayne helped me stay steady and get down. He then left to lit up barrels and candles, as Marko took his place, while I was looking at my surroundings. Damn! As the blonde chuckled, I realized I said it out loud.

Rocker boy who was called Paul sat me beside him on a broken fountain, while David was ranting to Mikey about the history of the place. Soon Marko was sent to buy food, and I was starting to get uncomfortable as he was the only one besides my brother I knew at least a little. Instead, I closed my eyes and tried to understand what the hell was going on with my red string of fate. Red sting that was... pulling me in four different ways, the closest being Paul beside me.

" You feel it too, huh?" I opened my eyes and turned to the blond. Seeing I was silent, he added "The pull. Red String or whatever you call it. You can feel it too, right?" "I feel it too, you know". I turned to the other side, seeing Dwayne. "Marko and David feel it, too. We were surprised, we weren't expecting someone else after all this time" " Four boys as my soulmate? damn I hit the gay jackpot." My remark made them laugh.

Marko came back with food, and we started to eat. David did something that scared Mikey, but I did not get the joke. Maggots? I sent a confused look at Star, but the brunette shook her head. David asked Marko something, and when he left to get it Paul left his place to sit by me. This boy lived in a cave and ate with his bare hands, which seriously made me reconsider everything. I checked the pull, just in case, and it still led me to Paul, Dwayne, David, and Marko that was coming back holding a bottle.

He handled it to David, who took it and drank before giving it to Michael. My twin looked at me, unsure, especially when Star told him it was blood. I decided to trust the red string and nodded. The boys cheered, and David left to give me another drink, this time from a chalice. I looked up to him, and all he said was"Drink, my mate". I felt like I couldn't let my soulmates down, and took a sip. I felt the rich taste explode in my mouth, it tasted so good I wanted more. I drank the whole chalice before handing it back to David, who had a beautiful smile. The boys started cheering even more than for Mickey, I felt so full of joy. I was where I belonged. Mom was right when she said that Santa Carla was a good place for a new beginning after all. 

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