EPILOGUE: All The Kingpin's Men

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Later that night...

Daredevil, Shang Chi, Iron Fist and Doctor Strange meet up and discuss their next plan.

"Okay, so... We need to find Spider-Man." Daredevil says.

"Do you know where he lives?"

"No. Shang Chi... I don't."

"How'd you find him last time?"

"He's not there right now."

"If they killed him-"

"-It's our fault, yes. That's what I'm saying..."

"Wait, how is it our fault? Kingpin is the bad guy here." Iron Fist says.

"I'm catholic. I feel guilty."

"I just don't understand this Moon Knight guy..." Doctor Strange comments.

"Well, he does dress up as the moon. No surprise he isn't stable." Iron Fist scoffs.

"And let's not hold up that mirror, 'Iron Fist.' What we need to do-"

Daredevil's words are interrupted when a web ball hits him in the face and he's punched by Zain, right in the face. The other three Spider-Men land on the roof and surround Doctor Strange, Iron Fist and Shang Chi.


Iron Fist & Shang Chi try to attack the Spider-Men, but they hold their own against the two martial artists. Meanwhile, Doctor Strange decides to distance himself from the rest, but Agrim still keeps a close eye on him.

"Okay, you, kid are just-"

"Seriously, how could you?!" Zain shouts.

"What is wrong with you?" Shang Chi asks.

"Nothing that throwing him off a subway platform won't fix!"

"Okay, kid you better-" As Strange tries to intervene, Agrim steps in front of him, stopping him from doing anything.

"How could you? How could you go so out of your way to be such a piece of shit?"

"I'm sorry that happened. It wasn't what I meant to happen..." Daredevil apologizes.

"Sorry it HAPPENED? Sorry what happened? I lived?! How do you sleep at night!"

"Listen, okay? I had no idea that Moon Knight was that much of a renegade! I had info on him and I thought-"

"I don't care about him!" Zain picks Daredevil up by where his collar is supposed to be.


"Put him down!" Iron Fist yells.

"Nah, fam. You stay back, or you'll catch these hands." Ritvik warns him.

"How could you sell your soul to that piece of crap, Fisk?" Zain asks Daredevil. "How much did he pay you to screw with us and then sell us out? I really want to know, how much does it cost to really lose all your sense of self-worth and-"

"What? What are you talking about?" Daredevil asks, confused.

"Oh, please..." Zain scoffs. "I'm gonna find someone to report you to. I'm gonna go to Nick Fury, I'm gonna go to... Someone! And I'm gonna have you locked away! 'Attorney at law,' my ass!"

"What are you talking about?" Shang Chi asks.

Zain turns to Shang Chi, and answers. "He sold us out, man! This whole thing is a joke! It's 'costumed suckers on ice' and it's all for Fisk's fun and games!"

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