The Plan

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Jk Pov.

After of Suga Hyung concert we ate dinner before we go home in our Penthouse. Suga hyung concert was awesome. We really enjoy it. As expect, taekookers are celebrating because Voo and I went together at the venue. Well thats our gift to our fans who always there for us.

The Suga Hyung concert is alreary finished. The encore concert on August was requested by many. That's why Suga Hyung will fullfill the request. Maybe it is possible also that the 7 of us will be there. But Im not sure with it because everyone is busy.

Namjoon hyung is preparing also in his MS. Anytime soon he will enter. Even Jiminsii request also his early enlistmnet because there are no more time to stay outside. I already accepted this situation. But still, It hurst me and feel sad everytime someone will enter in MS. Voo and I already talk about our MS, and we have plan to enter together. I want to be in his side before the situation will seperate us. Im not sure if Suga hyung will be the last to fullfill his duty. Maybe he will change his plan.

Its already evening and we just finished our dinner. We stay in the sala and we are watching netfix when the bell rang. Voo, stand up and and let the person come in. Its Pendoy, he looks haggard and stress. I laugh a liitle because of his face. His been busy this past days because our house in Busan is already finished and he is the one who take care everything there.

Voo and I are the one who choose the furniture there. And Bam and Yeontan has their own room. We make sure that, when we visit there, there is a room for our babies.

Pendoy left after he talk to Voo. I lay down on Voo's lap while watching the movie. He is stroking my hair and it feels so good.

"Voo, we need to renew our Vow before our enlistment," I asked when I remember.

"I already think about it baby, we have plan to renew it in Mexico right?" He asked

"Yes Voo, Im excited to be married again with you," I said and give a peak on his lips. He smiled at me and carress my face.

"IM excited too baby, You know I will do everything that what makes you happy," he said and hug me.

"You are only my happiness Voo, Staying by your side is only I want,"  I said and hug him tighter.

Being in Voo's arms makes me safe. He his my stress reliver, my safe and comfort zone. And ofcourse my F*ck body.

Voo will be travel again in Paris the next day. I laugh evertime I remember my purple boxer. He really didnt give it back to me. Its still in his laugage. Hes serious when he said that he will bring it to Paris. Thats why I love him so much. He always make me laugh.

Im in the studio right now and and Voo is already left and went to his apartment. My 97 liner friends invite me in a restaurant to have a dinner. And ofcourse I asked permission to Voo that I will eat dinner outside with my friends. And Im thankful that he allowed me even though one of my 97 liner friends are the reason of our mis undertstanding before. Thats how pure hearted my husband is. He easily forgive to those who hurt him. And I already promised to him that it wont be happened again.

We just eat dinner and have a small talk. Sharing what we did in our busy life. After we eat dinner I went in Voo apartment. I will fetch him so we can go
home together in our Penthouse. I miss him already.

I stay in the car and wait for Voo. When he enter the car. I kiss him  and he response immediately.

"I miss you Voo," I said and he laugh.

"I miss you too baby," he answered while smiling. I am the one who is driving.

I start the engine and hold his hand while driving.

"How is the dinner baby?" He asked

"Hmmm, I enjoy Voo, we just talk about our upcoming project," I said while smiling and he smiled also.

"Thats good to here that you are enjoying baby, that all I want," he said

I pull his hand and kiss it while driving. My very understanding husband is my life. Thats why I did everything to make him happy. Because I dont want him to feel the pain again that I give to him before. I know its already in the past but still its hunting me. What Im doing right now for Voo is still not enough for me. I know Voo forget everthing and accept me. But Im scared that I will hurt him again that I didnt know. Thats why I told everything to him whats my plan and whats my decision.

We are near to our freedom we want. And if that time will happened. I will shout to the world that KIM TAEHYUNG IS MINE AND MINE ALONE!.

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