Taekook with Pendoy

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Pendoy Pov.

AnneongHaseo Im Penny Ga but Jeon and Kim called me Pendoy, don't ask me why that's my name. Ask the author.

By the way, I'm Kim's right hand, don't even ask me how many years I've been working for him because I'm lazy.

Right now we went on a trip with Kim and Jeon and with Jeon trusted driver using the company car. We just finished eating dinner somewhere. The two of us are now going home to the Penhouse.

While we are inside the car, the two love birds are in the backseat cuddling, I'm very used to such scenes.

Jeon leaned his head against Kim's shoulder while arguing about what kind of music to play.

"Voo will you play  the RnB," requested Jeon.

"I don't want it, I want Jazz music," Kim countered.

"It's RnB" Jeon muttered.

"Alright, let's pick a rock," Kim challenged Jeon.

A never ending saga of bato bato pick.
The two were still arguing so I intervened. The driver and I just looked at each other and laughed at their antics.

The noise of the two of them in the car fighting over cellphones and arguing about what music to play. So I couldn't stand it anymore.

"Stop it, you two. You're just arguing about music. I'll choose what I'm going to play."

The two stopped and pouted. The minds of two children are two. Kim is my boss but he listens to me especially when he and Jeon are arguing.

"Alright Pendoy you choose the song". They both agreed. So I chose the song, and they got quiet in the backseat. When I looked in the front mirror, Jeon's head was leaning on Kim's shoulder again while he closed his eyes and held hands.

I just smiled at them both. I love these two so no matter what happens I will protect them both.


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