Missing You

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When Voo already go to his overseas project. I sat on the counch in the Sala. I didnt notice that my tears is flowing. I wipe it imediately and smile. I wont cry. If Voo know this he will be worried and I dont want him to be worried because his far from me.

I take shower and prepare myself. I have still time to go in my studio and finalized my music.  I tried to make my self busy so that I wont think Voo too much. But I failed, I miss him already. 

Its early in the morning when Voo called me they landed safe In Paris. We just talk about what I did when he go but I didnt mention that I cry.

All I want is the safety of Voo. He has
3 bodyguard from  SoKor. I hired 3 private civillian bodyguard and the company hired 2 more civillian bodyguard. In total Voo has 8 bodyguards with him in Paris.

The company prepare a private party for our 10th anniversary. Sad to say that this is the first time that we are not complete. As the youngest of the group, I am most affected. They are the one who raised me.

Its june 13 and later we have a party with the staff. Im in my studio right now. Working in my music again when Voo call me.

"Baby, how are you? He said

"Voo, Im okey, I miss you,"

"I miss you too baby, thete will a party later right?"

"Yes Voo, I will go with Namjoon hyung,"

"Good, enjoy the party baby, And dont be sad okey?"

"I hope you are here Voo. But I will try to enjoy later," I smiled to him

"Just enjoy baby, please. I will call you later when you are in the party,"

"Okey Voo, I will wait for it,"

"I love you baby, I need to go,"

"I love you more Voo, take care,"

After the call. I felt alone again. I should not be sad because from time to time, Voo call me. But I cant help it. I miss everyone.

Its already evening when I decided to go to the party. We just celebrate here in the company. So I dont need to travel.

When I enter the hall. Everyone greeted me. And I saw Namjoon hyung so I went to him.


"Ohhh, Jk," he hug me and I hug him back.
I only have Namjoon hyung now.

"How are you? Did Tae call you?"

"Im good hyung, he call me earlier and he said he will call later,"

"Suga hyung will call also later," he said.

I talk to some staff and just enjoy the party. Im already tipsy when Voo call.

"Voo, Im in the party right now, here is Namjoon hyung," hyjng come closer to me.

"Vvvvv, lets party," he said and they both laugh.

I just let him see whats happening in the party and then we ended the call. E said he will call again when Im home. Suga hyung also call and we talk also. He greeted us for our 10th anniversary.

The alcohol already hit me. All the emotion I hide from this past day, I burst it all out. Namjoon hyung hug me and and comfort me. I miss everyone, I miss my Voo. I totally understand our situation now but its really hard to pretend that Im okey with it. There are my family.

Its 4am when I go home. I send a message to Voo that I just got home. He immediately call me.

"Baby, how's the party? Did you enjoy?" He said while smiling but I didnt answer him. I jusy stared at him and tears flow from my eyes. He panick.

"Hey baby, did something happened? Why are you crying? Im worried please tell me," I wipe my tears and smile at him.

"Voo, I miss everyone, I miss you. This is the first anniversary that we are not complete," I said and sobbed.

"Ba-by, Im sorry Im not there with you, I should be there," he said and tears flow in his eyes also.

"No Voo, dont think about it. I totally understand. I just miss you all. Especially you,"

"Please stop crying baby, it hurts me the most," he said and wipe his tears and trying to be strong. I already know Voo, If I am  in my lower state he is the one who lift me up. He is my strenght when Im weak.

"Im sorry Voo,"

"Dont say that. Now go to sleep. You will leave later for your overseas project right?" He ask.

"Yes Voo, I will travel later to US, I hope to see you,"

"I'll be back to Korea a day after tommorow. I will wait you there baby, now go sleep. Dont end the call. I will stay here until you fall asleep," he said and smile.

"Voo, Im tired," I said and hug his Celine jacket that he left it with me. I still silently crying while closing my eyes.

"Dont worry baby, I will be here. When you sleep I ended the call," he said and smile.

"I love you Voo, and thank you,"
"I love you more baby,"

And because of the alcohol. I immediately fall asleep while hugging the jacket of Voo.

Its already noon and my temporary PA woke me up. I need to prepare. I have a flight this afternoon. When I went to the bathroom. I saw my swollen eyes. The after effect of crying last night. Im holding my phone and open the message of Voo.

From Voo:

"Baby, I ended the call because Im going to sleep also. You are snoring so loud I cant sleep.😅 By the way, tale care and have a safe filght later, I miss you and I love you so much.😘

I smiled when I read his message. His message make my day. I was just too emotional last night. But now Im okey.

I will be in US for how many days. I wont see Voo also. We communicate each other everyday. But its still different when Im with him. I feel safe and contented.

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