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I woke up the next morning to whispers below me. Unknown voices chattering.

"What do we do about him?"
"What if he hurts her?"

I scrunched my brow in confusion. Who are these people? I walked down the stairs to see what the fuss was about.

I walked into the living room to see nobody there.


I walked over to Schlatts office and put my ear up against the door.

"We should stay on guard for now"

Yeah, I'm going in.

I pushed the door open to see 3 people surrounding Schlatt's desk. A tall blond with a red and white shirt, An even taller brunette with curly hair and rounded glasses, and a quite smaller black-haired man wearing a beanie.

"Uh- Who is this?" The Blond asked turning his head to Schlatt.

"Oh shit... Why are you up?" Schlatt questioned me.

"I'm excuse you? I don't need permission to wake up. Also, your loud ass voice could be heard from a mile away" I insulted him giving him a dirty look, making the man with the beanie snicker.

"Hey man, you got yourself a funny one!" The beanie guy said.

"Yeah yeah shut up... Guys, this is Hana, Ted's sister. Hana, this is Tommy, Wilbur and Quackity" He introduced us.

"What are you guys even doing?" I questioned
"And why the fuck do we need to stay on guard?"

"Due to Schlatts antics, Brian is like SUPER pissed" Charlie spoke scrubbing his face with his hands in dissatisfaction.

"Hey, how was I supposed to know he was insecure about his hairline? Plus I was drunk and high so that's a fact," Schlatt defended.

"Anyway...He probably saw you speak to him at some point so you're the only advantage he has" Wilbur told me.

"Your an asshole you know that?" I sighed in disappointment.

"I take pride in my identity." He spoke blankly. I would have laughed if I knew we weren't in deep shit.

"So why are they here?" I asked genuinely wanting to know why there were 2 grown men and one teenager in our house.

"Well they are going to stay with us for a while just in case Brian tries to do some stupid ass 'surprise attack'

"I need coffee..." I yawned bringing Ted along with me.

"So, you feel at home yet?" He asked, pouring 7 cups of coffee for us all.

"almost" I sighed...

Today was going to be a long day...

𝐖𝐞'𝐥𝐥 𝐌𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐀𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧 ᶜʰᵘᶜᵏˡᵉ ˢᵃⁿᵈʷʰⁱᶜʰWhere stories live. Discover now