XXIX.So much easier (32640M.Y.)

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few days ago Jean and Duke got married and the whole kingdom celebrated today Jean woke up as usual got breakfast with Duke and his family than as usual went for a walk around the gardens of the castle and now she's in her room resting then all of the sudden she hear a door to her room

Jean: Hello?Duke?

she heard some steps she turned around but she could see no one

Jean: Geme is that you?

then from behind the door a maid's dead body falls to Jean's feet she screams

Jean: Who are you?

Jean heard a laughter then Ellyn walked from behind the door

Ellyn: Hello Jean

Jean: Ellyn what is this?

Ellyn: Just a cover up

Jean: Cover up for what

Ellyn waves at Jean with a sword almost cutting her

Ellyn: For your murder!

she strikes again

Jean: What?!

Ellyn: You've made it so much easier for me

Jean: What do you...

Ellyn: The crown it's almost mine

Jean: If i die the crown is still Duke's!

Ellyn: Well thanks to you Preia gave up the crown Cyara is in exile and Duke will also give up the crown after his wife tragically die!

Jean: King doesn't want to gave you crown Mesa and Veljay are above you!

Ellyn: Lies!

she cuts of Jean's fingers then the doors open again

Duke: Ellyn!

a arrow is flying right through Ellyn's head

Mesa: Got ya bitch!

Duke: Jean are you okay?!

Jean: Yeah i'm fine

Veljay: You sure you are bleeding

Mesa:That's for Preia and dad bitch

Mesa pulled out the arrow out of Ellyn's head

Jean: The king is...

Veljay: Yeah half of the castle is

Mesa: Yeah we saved you and Duke

then someone walks in for the third time

Man: Ellyn my love!

the man jumped and his sword goes right through Veljay

Mesa: VJ!

without hesitation she shots at him one hit to his chest another to his stomach third to his shoulder another to his leg fifth to his chest again and the last arrow through his head then she runs to Veljay

Mesa: No VJ!

Veljay: Is he dead?

Mesa: Yeah you will be okay

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