XVII.After the book (32639M.Y.)

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after while the white light slowly disappeared and the squealing also got quiet Jean slowly opened her eyes looked around and she was back on the bridge

Mia: Thank goods

she hugged Jean tight

Jean: What happened how did you got there?

Mia: I've been practicing telepathy

Jean: But...

Mia: I just created illusion of me you got yourself out

Jean: You did?!

Mia: Yeah

Jean: I'm so sorry for Macy and for everything that happened to you

Mia: It's fine i can fix myself with the book of Trom

Jean: So you're coming with me?

Mia: Yeah that's literally what i just said

Mia helped Jean get up and they headed on Avanga they got to the long stairs from the bridge to Statue valley

Jean: We have to be quick before they can turn us into stone

Mia: I know

they ran down the stairs and quickly hidden behind big rock at the end of the stairs Jean peaked out

Mia: You see something

Jean: No let's go

they ran behind few trees than they ran onto the valley few colourful flowers were peacefully growing around stone statues of humans with horrifying or tragical faces but their eyes were like coloured gems

Mia: Holy shit

Jean: What the...

Mia: They were alive once

Jean: Yeah but some of them are standing here for thousands of years

Mia: Shit than we should continue because i don't want to be some fucking rock not with this face

Jean: Yeah let's go

they ran into a forest there was another weird thing from the trees there was hanging pieces of meat some of it was rotten but some of the meat was completely fresh

Jean: Oh fuck

Mia: I think i'm going to throw up

Mia covered her mouth but than Jean grabbed her and pulled her inside of a bush

Mia: Wha...

Jean: Shhh

she shushed Mia and pointed to the field with statues there was a man but as he got closer girls noticed he doesn't have legs but he has this long tail with scales on it the scales were blue like his glowing eyes he had a blonde short hair and muscular torso, he also had a hood over his head when he arrived to the piece of meat he took the hood of and to his neck were attached six Gorlandigons with same colour as his tail all of the heads began to rip the meat apart so in a while all that was left was a bone hanging on the tree the man than turned around and left back to the field snd than back to the forest on the other side of valley when he was gone Mia turned on Jean and asked

Mia: What was that

Jean: A gorgon they're the ones that turn people in stone

Mia: Jean i think there is more of them coming

Mia pointed on group of Gorgons

Jean: We have to get away but they can't see us

Mia: Ok

they slowly disappeared deeper in the forest and later they started to see another valley this time it was Avlia valley the place where city of Aval and city of Aiava is

Mia: Finally a magic tolerant place!

Jean: Yeah don't be so happy we have to find that woman

Mia: Oh i almost forgot about Ferranete something shits

Jean: Yeah call her this and she will definitely help us

Mia: Ok Ferranete Chouldt Sheeds

Jean: That's better

Mia: Whatever let's go in Ava's cities!

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