II.Day one (32639M.Y.)

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yesterday Jean and her bestie Mia started their journey after a powerful spell book and today they're waking up not so far from their home town Ceno in Mia's aunt's house in Enai the biggest city in kingdom

Mia: Good morning Jean

Jean: Morning, come on Mia we have to get back on our way

Jean said already dressed and ready

Mia: Can we at least get breakfast?

Jean: Sure

they run down the stairs in aunt's house in kitchen there's Grace Mia's aunt making breakfast Jean and Mia sit down to small table in cozy kitchen

Grace: Good morning girls i've make you breakfast

Grace puts two plates on table and girls started eating. after they finished the food Mia packed her bags and leave aunt's house after while walking down a long alley surrounded by short green trees they've noticed that someone is follow them Jean recognize that person it's another witch from the witch meetings

Jean: Hello madam Demerton

???: You cannot get the book Jean Bride

Jean: W-what are you talking about?

???: Jean Bride can't get the book of Trom

Mia: Jean, i think we should run

???: Jean Bride! Jean Bride! The book of Trom!

Jean and Mia started to run down the alley

Mia: What was that?!

Jean: I don't know

???: Jean Bride

Someone yelled behind their backs as they turned around Mia recognize another witch from Diena coven the same coven madam Demerton is part of

Mia: madam Kreylon?

???: The book of Trom can't get in hands of Jean Bride

after that sentence she created orange magic orb which was weird because all witches from Deina coven are all blue rune users and when someone uses one of the six runes they can't change the rune to other

Jean: Mia watch out!

Jean shouted as orange ball was flying toward Mia. Mia quickly creates yellow shield to protect herself as the ball hit her shield madam Kreylon created another ball and throw it at Jean she also quickly blocked and throw her green magic orbs madam Kreylon blocked the first one but the second orb hit her and made her fall down on ground

Mia: Jean let's go!

After while girls get together and started to run away they get through the rest of the city peacefully now another problem in their way is Running forest it's very dangerous, beings that live there are very powerful most people entering forest don't get out and if they do they never are like before. But after this forest Jean and Mia get out of kingdom into small seaside town called Nitai and after sea and they can get to Bacet castle and maybe get the book

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