VI.The town Nitai (32639M.Y.)

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as they ride over the bridge Mia and Jean look around

Mia: The mountains are so big

Jean: And look how high we are

Mia: Yeah the river looks like a small blue stripe

Jean: And the trees look how pretty and green they are

after they got over the bridge they stopped at the path across the mountains and checked the view

Jean: Wow, whole Avia is visible from up here

Mia: Over there!

Mia point on small castle in distance

Jean: That's the Bacet castle, but look how huge the sea is!

Jean point on wide sea between the town Nitai and Koia town near the castle

Mia: Jean come look over here!

Mia calls Jean from behind Jean so she turns to look and she is stunned by the wonderful and quiet look on the Dead forest, Plains of Quia and Aveal mountains

Jean: It may look amazing but you don't want to be there right

Mia: Yeah

Mia answers sadly, Jean puts her hand on Mia's shoulder and sadly says

Jean: Lets go

Mia: Yeah, lets go

they got back on Macy and headed down to Nitai after few hours they got to Nitai, by the gates to town a guard stops them

Guard: Where are you ladies going?

Mia: Were just passing we need to get in Koia

Guard: Why?

Jean: Her family lives there!

She quickly yells before Mia could respond

Mia: My family, yes

Guard: Well you can go but you cant ride this creature you have to lead it

Jean: Thank you

they got off Macy and headed to harbor as sky gets darker they're walking in dark alley and a group of men stops them

Tall man: Where are beautiful ladies like you going this late

Man with beard: Yeah you should come to my place i have a comfortable bed

Mia: No thanks i would rather sleep on ground

Sleazy man: And you sweetheart

he puts his hand around Jean

Jean: Yeah no i think my friend answered for me to

Bald man: Well you don't leave us any choice

he said from behind girls with deep voice and than he grabs Mia by neck from behind than the sleazy man and the one with beard grab Jean by arms then the they hear someone talking form a end of alley

Old woman: Let them go boys you already had your fun

Tall man: Fuck off you old hag!

the woman starts to go slowly toward the tall man she is walking with a stick but when she gets to the tall man she slaps him with her stick after that the men let go of Jean and Mia and start to fight with the old lady, she beats all of them and than she goes to girls that are still in disbelief

Old woman: Are you okay girls?

Mia: Yeah thanks to you

Jean: How the fuck did you do that!

Old woman: Language young lady

Jean: I'm sorry

Old woman: Its okay this time

Mia: But how did you do that

Old woman: Years of training

Jean: I'm sorry but what's your name?

Old woman: Oh of course, how could i forgot to introduced myself, i'm Abigail Robin Trekia-Veion but everyone calls me Granny Abi

Mia: Hi Abi, i'm Mia

Jean: And i'm Jean

Abi: Hi, its so nice to meet you girls

Abi hugs both of girls

Abi: What are you doing in here

Jean: We're looking for place to sleep because tomorrow we want to sail to Koia

Abi: Koia, i was there many times but its hard to get there without your own ship nowadays

Mia: Well we're going to try

Abi: But if you looking for place to sleep i have an empty house

Jean: Really

Abi: Yes each one can get her own room

Mia: That would be so nice of you

Abi: Well than follow me

they followed Abi to huge house by the sea each got her room and went to sleep

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