XXVIII.Bride's wedding (32640M.Y.)

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Geme: Jean! Jean! Jean! Wake up!

Geme shouted as she ran in Jean's room

Jean: Good morning Geme

Geme: It's the wedding!

Geme jumped in Jean's bed and started to shake with her

Jean: I'm awake

Geme: You have to put your dress on now!

Jean: Yeah sure

Jean got out of her bed and walked to the other room there was a majestic olive dress around the dress were few maids waiting for Jean in the meantime Duke was in the tower with his friends cheering and celebrating later they were also preparing the wedding room later that day the guests started to arrive

Duke: There is at least a thousand of people

Mesa: I know isn't that amazing

pregnant Mesa answer to Duke

Mesa: Do you think i'll have this many people on m wedding

Veljay: Definitely not

Mesa: Shut up

they started arguing but in a while they were silenced by the king

King: Quiet you two! The bride will be here in moment

Mesa: Yeah Veljay shut up!

Veljay: No you are supposed to shut up

Ellyn: Both of you shut the fuck up she's coming

Ellyn pointed on the door to the room that was slightly opened

Ellyn: Thomas now!

she turned around on man that is is standing right next to the king

Thomas: Ladies and gentlemen! Princess Jean Bride!

the door opens and Jean walks in the room in her beautiful dress with perfect hair she walks up to the king and stands next to Duke

King: Thank you all for coming to my only son's wedding and i thank you Jean Bride for marrying my son

everyone started to clap for a while then king continued

King: So with no waiting i'm going to ask you my son, Dukandence Menvelo Zelken the first do you take Jean Bride for your wife?

Duke: Yes i do!

King: And you Jean Bride do you take prince for your husband

Jean: I...

then someone stormed in the room

Cyara: Stop the wedding!

everyone turned to the door in shock

Mesa: Cyara! Get out of here!

Cyara: There is something no one knows about Jean Bride! Not even my brother!

Veljay: Yeah sure! Get her out

Cyara: The thing is that Jean Bride is a witch!

everyone was even more shocked

Duke: That's impossible!

King: Well Jean Bride are you a witch?

Jean: No she's lying because now that Preia gave her crown away she can be heir so she made this up

Cyara: No you're lying you filthy witch

Jean: Duke you have to trust me!

Duke: Jean Bride is no witch i know her for years she never once used magic

King: Get my daughter out of here!

the knights dragged Cyara out as she was screaming and cursing

Cyara:...fucking die Jean...

and with that the door closed behind her and the king continued

King: So Jean Bride do you...

Jean: Yes i do!

King: Well then you're now husband and wife and prince and princess!

everyone started to clap got up and the party began

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