XXVI.Will you be my Bride? (32639M.Y.)

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she knocked on the gate to the fortress the little door open there was Broke the maid that Jean met before

Broke: Miss Bride?! Come inside!

she moved aside so that Jean can enter she walked in but the fortress was way emptied than last time

Jean: Where is everyone?

Broke: They're expanding so they're on the castle

Jean: Why?

Broke: The king is worried because of the war in Section

Jean: But Section if far enough

Broke: Yes but the war already reached Unitys very quickly

Jean: How about Duke?

Broke: I'm sorry Jean the prince left few days ago

Jean: Where is he now?

Broke: In the castle with his family

Jean: Thank you Broke for letting me in bit i have to go

Broke: Sure miss go

she opened the door again Jean walked in the forest and in the air she got down far enough from the castle she headed to the castle on the gate she got stopped by guard

Guard: Where do you think you're going?!

Jean: I'm visiting prince we're friends

Guard: Sure and i'm kings brother!

he laughed Jean angrily created a magical orb

Jean: Move!

Guard: You're witch?

he moved away

Guard: For magic

he said as he let Jean in she walked around the castle until she found Duke in his room

Jean: Duke?

Duke: Jean?

he turned around

Duke: Oh my gods Jean you've came back!

Jean: I promised you that

Duke: Where is Mia?

Jean: They killed her

she broke to tears Duke quickly ran to Jean trying to comfort her but she would stop crying so Duke sat her on his bed and sat right next to her Jean eventually just a while after that a maid walked in to take the prince to dinner

Duke: May Jean join us

Maid: That's up to your father

Duke rolled his eyes and grabbed Jean by her hand they walked to the dining hall together everyone looked at Jean and everyone started to whisper to themselves until Duke with Jean sat down to the table then the king stand up and say

King: Who is this precious visitor

Duke: Dad...

Jean: Jean Bride, nice to meet you sir

King: I like you Jean Bride

a woman next to Duke stand up

Woman: Where are you from?

Duke looked at her

Duke: Cyara

he whispered but Cyara just proudly lifted her chin

King: So Jean Bride?

Jean: I'm from Ceno

another woman across the table from Cyara

Woman: Ceno?!

she giggled

Duke: Shut up Preia your man is from Quia

King: Duke don't talk to your sister this way!

Duke: I'm so sorry princess Preia

Preia: Soon queen

she mumbled

King: Well let's eat

everyone started eating and talk again after dinner when Jean and Duke got back to their room Jean asked

Jean: That was your sisters

Duke: Yeah Preia and Cyara my oldest sisters

Jean: What was that Preia's mumble about being queen

Duke: Well Preia is the oldest and she is married so the crown goes to her after my father dies

Jean: i thought you're the heir

Duke: well if i'm going to get married before my father passes away i would become heir but it don't look like it so Preia is preparing for the crown

Jean: I don't want Preia for queen

Duke: Well there is nothing you can do unless

Jean: Unless what

Duke: Unless we got married

Jean: What?

Duke: Jean think about it i like you

Jean: I like you too but i...

Duke: You would become queen

Jean: Queen?

Duke: Yes we would rule together

Jean: Duke i...

Duke: Jean Bride will you be my bride?

Jean: Yeah?

Duke: Do you want to tell my sisters?

Jean: Yeah

she kissed Duke then they walked to the party room Preia was just dancing but Cyara sat almost alone by table so Jean and Duke ran to her

Jean: Hi, Cyara is that right?

Cyara: How dare...

Duke: Nope she is my fiancé

Cyara almost fell from her chair

Cyara: She is what?

right then Preia came

Jean: His fiancé

Jean smiles on Preia as she stare from shock

Preia: No fucking way you can't...

Jean: You're married to man from Quia get over me

Duke and Jean left Preia and Cyara in disbelief as they walked back to their room and as they laid in bed Duke said

Duke: Tomorrow we have to tell my father

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