V.The borders (32639M.Y.)

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after a short time the path ends at fortress that is laying at the kingdom's border

Duke: Ok here you can get clean clothes, eat and spend the night

Jean: Oh that's so nice of you

Mia: Sure is

Mia said sarcastically, they enter the fortress and Duke leads them in bathroom where they get clean clothes as they enter the bathroom Mia whisper

Mia: My face is still bleeding

Jean: Come here i can fix that with spell, i'm going to make it heal but you're still going to miss eye and ear and you're going to have some scars

Mia: Is in going to hurt after that spell

Jean: It shouldn't

Mia: Fine do it

Jean sits on the bathroom floor and Mia places her head in Jean's lap Jean than puts hand over her face and her hand starts to glow with olive green light Mia's face heals within few seconds

Jean: And i'm done

Mia: Thanks now let's get washed and choose our new clothes im super excited for that

when they get out of the bathroom two maids are waiting in front of the bathroom door

Maid: Hello i'm Tray and this is Broke

Jean: Hi

Broke: We're asked to do your hair

Mia: Ok let's get them done so i can get new clothes!

the maid's leaded the girls to their room and started doing their hair Jean have her hair in (bun ig) and Mia have her hair in ponytail with part of her hair covers right side of her face

Tray: And i'm finished

Mia runs to check herself in mirror

Mia: I love it!

Broke: Jean i'm also done

Jean: Thank you

Jean goes to the mirror

Jean: It's so gorgeous

Tray: Now is time for you to choose new clothes

Broke: Jean follow me please

Mia: And i go with Tray?

Tray: Yes

Jean is going with Broke to end of hallway there is a wooden door Broke opens in and Jean's jaw drops because of all the clothes inside

Broke: You can choose whatever you want

Jean: Really?

Broke: Yes, the price insists that you take the clothes you like the most

Jean: Say less

She walked in and she looked around

Jean: There are so many clothes!

after while of choosing she ends up with with black top and green pants

Jean: What do you say Broke?

Broke: You look ready for your journey

Jean: Thanks

in the meantime Tray lead Mia to a smaller room with less clothes but she chose black outfit with yellow details Mia than walks to a mirror looks on herself for a while and than say

Mia: I'm gorgeous

Tray: Yes you are

Mia: I know

Tray slightly offended by Mia than said

Tray: Mia we should go to diner

Mia: Yes, i'm starving

they went into the dining hall where were two tables one big table and one small table by the small table Mia see Jean and Duke eating already Mia is slowly walked toward them and when she get to the table she said

Mia: Thank gods you waited for me it's very polite prince

Jean: Mia!

Mia: What Bride!

Jean: Why are you so rude?

Mia: I'm not

Duke: Yes you are

Mia: Shut up prince!

Jean: Mia calm the fuck down!

Mia: Fuck you!

Mia grabed piece of bread and walked away

Jean: Duke i'm sorry i don't know what's going on with her

Duke: It's okay

they finished the dinner and now they're going to Duke's room

Duke: We have to plan you way across the bridge that connects our kingdom with the rest of Avia

Jean: Okay

Duke: Why are you leaving anyway?

Jean: Ehh, Mia's family lives there!

Duke: So than why is Mia in our kingdom when she is from outside

Jean: You're asking too much questions!

Duke: Oh, i'm sorry i didn't wanted to make you uncomfortable

Jean: It's ok just don't ask anymore

Duke: Ok

in Duke's room they decided that the girls are going to get (horsebutnotthatone) so their journey is faster and Jean got map of Avia map that she could never see in kingdom because people inside are restricted to know more about realms than she went to her room and went to sleep in morning they woke up and went for breakfast then one of the soldiers in fortress leads them to barn there he is saying

Soldier: You two are going to get Macy over here

He points towards (horsebutanotherone) Mia steps closer to Macy

Mia: Oh, hi Macy

she pats Macy on head

Soldier: The bridge is going to be crossable in few minutes you should get ready

girls got on Macy and headed to the Ava's bridge when they arrive they see huge mountains than they also see there is a bridge that is building it self across the canyon

Mia: Wow!

Knight: Precious right

Jean: It is amazing!

Duke: And is time to go

Mia: Macy go!

Macy runs on the bridge

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