I.Start (32 639M.Y.)

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In very far universe it realm named Avia there is a young girl. Her name is Jean and she is a witch, very powerful witch. She lives in a small town in small kingdom. She wishes to become a queen of that kingdom but girls like her can't become queens so only thing that she can is to dream about it, she also loves learning spells. So her story continues when she was at this particular one meeting of witches and her friend Mia was telling her about book of very powerful spells

Mia: I heard that the book of Trom is hidden in secret library at Bacet castle

Bace is a very good known witch but her castle is on the other side of Avia

Jean: Really

Mia: Yeah but lots of people are trying to get to that book because it contains lots of powerful spells

Jean: We should try to get the book and become the most powerful witches in Avia

Mia: Jean i don't think that's good idea

Jean: Come on Mia it's going to be fun

Mia: It's dangerous

Jean: We're going to be fine please Mia please

Mia: Ok but we have to be careful

Jean: Sure

Mia: And when we're going to start

Jean: How about tomorrow?

Mia: Tomorrow?! That's super early

Jean: Yeah but what if someone is going to get it first and we are going to lost our chance to becoming the witches that we always wanted

Mia stood there for a while quietly but the she agreed

Mia: Well fine then, tomorrow in park

Jean: Yes tomorrow in park

Both of them went home to pack their things. Next day they meet at the park

Mia: I can't believe that we're leaving

Saying that Mia looked around at the tall trees in park, beautiful fountain, happy kids running around and all of the cute animals in park

Mia: This is nice

Jean: Yeah, I'm so excited

Mia: Jean i don't want to leave

Jean: Gods Mia we're going to be fine

Mia: It's not that i'm scared i like really love this town

Jean: You're not backing up, we're going!

Mia: Well that's easy for you to say but i have family here

Jean: Oh, yeah leave me like it's easy to go to your mommy when you have one

Mia: Jean i didn't mean to

Jean: Just leave me i'll get the book myself

saying that Jean walked away Mia stood there in silence for a while

Mia: Fuck! Jean wait!

Jean stopped with satisfied face and waited for Mia to run to her

Mia: I'm sorry

and like that their journey begins

TSoR - Book Crown Ring 1.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang