XI.Koia and back (32639M.Y.)

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they arrived in Zee's house and ate lunch

Mia: So we have to get in Shadow?

Jean: That's right

Mia: And only person that can get us there is some witch in Aval?

Zee: Aval?!

Jean: Yeah, Aval

Mia: That means we need ship in Mut cross the sea through Outfog to Aiava

Zee: You want to go in Outfog?

Mia: It's the shortest way

Zee: If you want to die!

Jean: Mia i think she's right

Mia: Fine than we need boat in here to get to Nitai than in Quia we can go on Macy than cross the Menhon bridge and around Stone plains to Aval

Zee: Who's Macy?

Jean: The umhachune in the barn

Zee: No

Mia: What no

Zee: You can't take her

Jean: Why not?

Zee: Because i gave (0000) for her

Mia: But she belongs to us

Zee: Well not anymore

Mia: Zee what the fuck

Zee: Mia i'm sorry but no

Mia: Fuck you

she got up from the table ran to her room and smashed the door behind her Jean and Zee sat there for a while than Jean got up and knocked on the door after second knock she entered

Jean: Mia?

Mia: Jean close the door

Jean closed the door and Mia whispered

Mia: Pack you shit we're leaving now

Jean: What?

Mia: Shut up pack your stuff and listen to me

Jean: Ok

the both packed up their things than Mia opened the window and got out

Jean: Really we're going to run away

Mia: Yes now come on

Jean also got out and they quietly sneaked in barn

Mia: Hi Macy

Macy huffed back to Mia so they got on Macy and ran out as they were running away Zee got out and for a while she chased them while yelling

Zee: What the fuck?! You two fucking thiefs! I swear you whores i'll kill you!

after while of running she turned around and ran into the barn she got out on rototori

Zee: You're dead now i trusted you

after while her rototori stopped and started eating grass

Zee: Fucking move!

girls quickly disappeared from Zee's sight they arrived in city

Mia: What do we do now?!

Jean: We need a boat

Mia: How are we going to get one

Jean: We can steal one

Mia: That's dangerous

Jean: You're right but we can't stay and wait because of Zee

Mia: Fine we're going to steal boat

they arrived in dock got down of Macy and looked around for empty boat, it doesn't took that long to find one so they got on this pretty big ship after while someone noticed them

Little boy: Dad i mean captain they're taking our boat

Captain: Hey get down

Mia: No this is our ship now

her hands started glowing in canary yellow light she pointed on sail and the ship started moving

Captain: Catch them

he yelled on group of man who just got out of the pub the men got on their ships and in few moments there were four ships following Jean and Mia

Mia: Shit what do we do now

Jean: I have no idea i never stolen a boat

one of the boat floats next to them

Captain: Fire!

the cannons on the ship sparked and in seconds the stolen boat started sinking

Jean: We're going down!

Mia: No shit!

Captain: Stop the boat

Mia: Never! Jean get me closer to them

Jean turned the rudder to the other boat when they were close enough Mia jumped on the other boat pulling out her sword

Man: She has a sword

Mia: Haven't done this in a while come on!

a group of men with weapons rushed out from below deck Mia

!! Disturbing part - marked text !!

she sliced of arms of one man than she took his sword stabbed it in head of next men while cutting off legs of third man with her sword than she kicked another man of the boat than she smashed head of another man over a cannon than last man got able to cut her in her arm but after that she grabbed him and hanged him on rope from sail

in the meantime Jean's ship lost speed and second boat caught her making other side of the stolen boat also sink

Jean: Mia! Come back!

Mia jumped back onto the stolen boat

Jean: Take it for me please

Mia grabbed the rudder and Jean kneeled and placed her hand on the boat than the water around their ship and around all of the other ships started glowing in olive colour than all of the other started to disappear under the water level and the half way sinked stolen boat got back up and all of the holes in the ship's bottom were fixed Jean got up

Jean: We can continue

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