IV.Trapped (32639M.Y.)

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Mia: Jean i'm so scared

Jean grabs Mia's hand

Jean: We will be ok, i'll do everything to keep you safe

the creatures are getting closer to girls so Jean grabs a stick laying on ground and swings around her and Mia

Jean: Back off

one of the creatures jumps on Jean but she quickly strikes creature making it run in the forest

Jean: I said back off you fuckers!

she looked on the creatures in front of her just for second but second was enough for other creature to jump on Mia and bite her in arm

Mia: Aaah!

Jean: Mia!

She turned around to check on Mia but the creatures, scared a while ago were now ready to attack again, one bites Jean in leg she screams from pain and fall on her knees the bigger beast getting closer to them make Mia cry even more, as her tears fall on moss under her, the huge creature prepared to bite in the girls every second suddenly gets hit in shoulder by arrow, in anger creature strikes Mia across face with its paw than turns around to look who dares to attack it, from behind trees there jumps a knight riding (horsething) with his sword prepared to save Mia and Jean

Knight: Get lost you monsters

he rides in group of beasts swinging his sword up and down killing some of the animals other creatures that survived run back to forest, Jean stares at him with wonder the whole time but when he disappeared from her sight she heard Mia

Mia: Jean my face i can't feel it

Jean turned around and with horror she saw her face

! the upcoming part is going to be lightly disturbing so if you're not interested in reading that, I recommend skip the marked text !

Mia's face is covered in blood her left side is ok but her right side is unrecognizable she have cut on her forehead her right eye is missing her cheek is splitted in two and her mouth is ripped up to her ear well she has that ear ripped off too Jean takes a deep breath

Jean: Mia don't freak out

Mia: What? Why?

Jean: Just promise!

Mia: Fine i promise

As Jean is about to tell her what's with her face the knight gets back to them looks at Mia and says

Knight: Where is her ear?

Mia: My ear! I don't have an ear?!

Jean: Not just ear your right eye is gone too

Mia: What, where is it?!

Jean: The big beast probably scratch it out when it hit you

Mia: I'm a monster!

Jean: Mia you're not a monster

Mia: The fuck i am!

Jean: Don't be dramatic Mia

Mia: I don't have an eye!

Knight: Gods, ladies please stop arguing and get on top of my (horsesomething) before they come back

Mia: And why we should do that we barely know you

Jean: Well he saved us

Mia: Jean i don't have half of my face so would rather be dead now

Jean: Well unfortunately you're alive so lets go

Mia: I swear to gods if he is some creep i'm going to kill you

Jean: Yeah sure get on

they got on (horsepeaceofshit) and on the way Mia said

Mia: So Mr. Knight who are you actually?

Knight: What do you mean?

Mia: Well we know nothing about you we haven't even seen you face

Jean: And i would like to know where are we going

Knight: Well my name is Duke

Mia: Your face?

the knight takes of his helmet and the sun starts to shine through his light brown hair he turns around to look at girls Mia stares at him for a while and than yells

Mia: You're the prince!

Jean: Wait she's right!

Duke: Well yeah that's why i didn't wanted to show my face because people treat me different when they know i'm the prince

Mia: Oh really maybe because you're the prince!

Jean: We promise we'll treat you like normal person

Mia quietly whispered

Mia: Speak for yourself Jean

Jean: What?

Mia: Nothing i didn't say anything

Jean: Really, i heard something

Mia: I was super quiet Jean so it wasn't me

Jean: Sure...

after while Duke turns at them and says

Duke: Ladies we're here!

as they got on normal path outside the forest where they can see huge hills that are across big canyon with river at the bottom

TSoR - Book Crown Ring 1.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora