XIX.The ritual (32639M.Y.)

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Mia: Get her where?!

Woman: Into the Shadow

Jean: Wasn't she the only one?

Woman: Kind of but i'm a necromancer

Jean: So you can connect her soul and magic to you

Woman: Yes

Jean: Ok what do i have to do

the dagger flew up again and cut Jean in each cheek

Woman: Now kneel

the dagger flew behind the woman and slide right in her back

Woman: You can't be there for too long or else you're going to become shadow yourself

than she draw a rune on Jean's forehead with Jean's blood than she said spell and Jean's eyes turned completely black Jean started tearing but instead of tears a dark fluid poured on her bleeding cheeks Jean was in pain but all of the sudden she was floating in empty black space she looked around but there was nothing than she heard a whisper from distance

???: Jean

follow by another whisper

???: Jade

than more voices at once

???: Ann...Bride...Jean...Jade

Jean started to be uncomfortable and the entire space turned way cooler than before


Jean: Who is that?!

than she noticed a grey cloud in distance it was that cloud that was calling her

???:Jade Bride...Je-Ann...Jaan

the cloud is quickly moving closer to Jean


now the cloud was close enough for Jean to recognise faces and hands sticking out


than the grey cloud stopped and became silent

Jean: Hello?

???:...You filth!

at least a hundred voices screams and the cloud splits in hundreds of leg less bodies made from grey smoke and all of them are flying around and on Jean ripping her hair out screaming in her ears and catching her all over her body

Shadow's souls: Jean Bride you filth

Jean: Leave me alone

Souls: Filthy Jade-Ann

after what felt like eternity the souls disappeared and left Jean with cuts all over her body and almost all of her hair ripped out floating in the space again
the space went back to the warmer temperature Jean began to feel ground under her feet she deeply inhaled and closed her eyes

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