XII.Like old times (32639M.Y.)

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Mia: I like this it's like when we first met

Jean: Yeah i like it too

Mia: I need to get back in form

Jean: We probably have to get through Nitai as fast as possible

Mia: We can get on Macy right when we get off this ship

Jean: Well this time i think we have to be more sneaky than then

Mia: And what about the pirates?

Jean: Shit you're right

Mia: We can ship straight to Quia through Levander bay

Jean: That's great idea

she turned the boat sharply to the left in a while they could see some desert than some hills and fields of millions of all types of purple flowers they slowly begin to swim closer than Jean touched the ground again and the holes in ship were back they slowly started sinking again than when they were so close to the land the board was at same high as the land so they just do step and they were on land Mia just turned around on the few parts of ship sticking out of water and waved and said

Mia: Bye!

than she and Jean got on Macy and headed toward the city

Mia: Hello Quia we're back

she said as they got in the city after while the rain started

Mia: Fuck it is going to ruin my hair

???: Over here

someone said to them from window of small house

Mia: First of all who are you second...

???: I'm Belle and i'm not going to kill you Mia

Jean: Belle!

Belle: Jean Bride?

Mia: Holy shit Belle i didn't recognised your voice

Belle: So are you going in

Jean: Of course!

they got inside of small house even with Macy than a young blonde girl rushed to welcome them

Mia: Belle! You grew up so much

Belle: I thought i'm never going to see you again

Mia: I told you i'll once come to check on you how are you doing

Belle: Well aunt Sarramin died a year ago and i'm going to get married in few weeks

Mia: The immortal Sarramin Phover died?

Belle: Yeah but like out of nowhere they say something killed her but nobody is sure about that

Mia: Wait did you also say you are going to get married?!

Belle: Yeah

Mia: Who is the lucky man?!

Belle: Mike from down the street

Mia: Mike the goyaeng dude? Isn't he like 60?

Belle: That's his dad i'm talking about Mike jr.

Mia: Oh this one!

Belle: Yeah, will you come?

Mia: On the wedding of course!

Belle: Ok i'll give you invitation

and she slipped a small note in Mia's backpack

Belle: So where are you going

Jean: We're headed to Aval

Belle: Aval? That's like super south right? What do you want to do there?

Mia: We're looking for this witch so we can get to the shadow and i was kinda hoping aunt Sarr would help us

Belle: Well there is the list of witches still somewhere in her library

Mia: Really?!

Belle: Yeah but what do you want to do in shadow

Jean: We want to get the book of Trom

Belle: Trom?! Aunt said it's one of the most powerful books in Avia but she also said it has been destroyed

Mia: Nope it's just hidden in shadow

Belle: And i thought you're never going to go on any journey after that what happened

her smile slowly disappeared

Belle: I'll show you the library

Jean: That will be nice thanks

she leads them in library in basement she pulled out a book with yellow rune on it

Belle: Mia it's blood-sealed

Mia: Lucky for me i'm her relative

she swiped her hand across the first page and text started to appear, name, special skill, rune and location

Jean: We're looking for a witch from Aval that can take us in shadow

Mia: Over here Ferranete Chould Sheeds but it says that she is 1187 years old but she's not dead

Belle: Well Sarr was 159 but definitely not a thousand

Jean: How is she not dead

Mia: Jean, Merlin is 30000 years old and he is still young so 1187 isn't that big of a deal

Belle: She's right

Jean: Yeah she is well we have to find what was her name again?

Mia:Ferranete something shits something

Jean: Look in that fucking book please

Mia: Ferranete Chould Sheeds i was close

Jean: I'm not going to remember that

Mia: Me neither

Belle: You can take the book Sarr is dead anyways

Mia: Yeah you're right

she packed the book in her backpack then they went up, Belle cooked a dinner and than they went to bed

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