XIV.The abandoned valley (32639M.Y.)

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Jean and Mia on Macy are now trying to get up in the hills into the Fei town ruins Fei was one of the oldest witch towns in realms it has been destroyed three times before 3000 years it had been destroyed and all of the citizens were killed so there was no one left to renew the city

Mia: Jean we're in Fei that's amazing

Jean: Yeah can you believe we're in the oldest town in Avia

Mia: The town where Ava met first witches of Avia

they spend entire way trough the town talking about facts than they stopped in front of a cave

Jean: Quen-laco gate to Avanga island

Mia: The gate to the witch's freedom

they enter the cave the headed straight after while they get out on the other side on start of long huge bridge that is high above lakes and forest under it

Mia: This is gorgeous

Jean: We have to cross now

Mia: Sure

she got back on Macy and they begin to cross the bridge after while of riding Jean noticed a person on the bridge

Jean: Mia look there's someone

she stopped Macy and they slowly got down

Mia: Who is it?

Jean: I have no idea

Mia: Do you think it's a magic user or human?

Jean: I'm not sure

Mia: What do we do?

Jean: We're going to cross we will just simply go around it

Mia: You sure?

Jean: No but come on

they got back on Macy and quickly headed to the person on bridge but than Macy stopped few steps from that person

Mia: Macy?

Macy stayed quiet on place

Mia: Macy?!

Person on bridge: Macy isn't going anywhere

the person took of her cloak and both Jean and Mia recognised a witch from Bacet castle

Jean: It's the witch from the library!

Witch: That's right it's me Dealia Hie Groll Crixagen

Jean: Crixagen? Like...

her question was cut off by another witch that flew up from under the bridge

Witch 2: And i'm Breallene Crea Zef Crixagen!

than another witch flew up on the other side left from Dealia

Witch 3: And i'm Ura Cewwa Glod Crixagen

than two voices from behind Jean and Mia

Witch 4: And we're Axianne Vrepan Oce Crixagen

Witch 5: ... And Serrione Braxim Halme Crixagen

Mia: You're Crixagen sister's

Jean: Daughters of Tromanoocezhefmecwa

Axianne: You're very smart girl Jean Bride

Ura: And very powerful

Serrione: So it would be smart to turn around and leave

Dealia: Or you are going to die here

Breallene: Leave or die Jean!

Mia: What now Bride?!

Jean: I don't know

Mia: Jean!

Mia shouted as the witches started to get closer to them

Dealia: What now Jean

Ura: Yeah what now Jean

Serrione: Time is running

Ura: Time is running

Breallene: Ura quiet this is their thing

Axianne: Sisters!

the witches pulled out their weapons

Serrione: Will you leave

Dealia: Or die

Jean: Neither

Jean pulled out her dagger

Axianne: Kill them all

! light violence - marked !

Serrione jumped and with one swing with her blade Macy fell down on the ground

Mia: No!

she swings her sword back missing the first time, the second time but the third her blade easily ran through Serrione's stomach

Axianne: Sister!

she ran on Mia from back stabbing her blade deep in Mia's shoulder

Mia: Fuck!

Axianne: I'm not done with you

in the meantime Jean was barely blocking attacks from Dealia and Breallene but than Ura grabs her by her waist and pushed her against the side of the bridge

Ura: Die here or down there?

Jean: After you

Jean slides her blade in Ura's chest and throws her over the side

Jean: Bye

Dealia: I'll kill you not just for dad i'll kill you with pleasure!

she teleported behind Jean and stabbed her through leg making Jean fall down but as she was falling she pushed Dealia down of the bridge

Breallene: Dealia!

before Brallene decided to attack Jean she just quickly looked over to see Axianne also getting pushed down of the bridge

Breallene: But we can stop you different way

she just turned around onto the bridge her hand started glowing with orange colour and before she could get stabbed she destroyed a long part of the bridge after that a bright orange flash covered entire bridge

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