VIII.Magic market in Koia (32639M.Y.)

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Captain: Ziggi my dear i have a gift for you

captain said to a woman with eyepatch waiting in dock

Cole: Over here Zee

Ziggi/Zee: Edo what is this?

Edo: These two are humans i think but

Ziggi/Zee: Enough, Cole?

Cole: Apparently one of the is from here

Edo: But they don't have a ship

he screamed

Ziggi/Zee: Edo! Be silent!

Cole: I was thinking 70000

Ziggi/Zee: 70000?! Don't be ridiculous

she laughed

Ziggi/Zee: I think more like 50000 and 30000 to me and 20000 to you

Captain: Darling that's not so much we already have hard time

Ziggi/Zee: It's not my fault that you aren't able to get me something good

Edo: We also have (Macy)!

Cole: Yeah

Ziggi/Zee: Amazing i'll give you 70000

Cole: Really?!

Ziggi/Zee: Yes i take it northeast and sell her for 110000 so 70000 for you now

Captain: Deal my love!

he and Ziggi shook hands

Cole: What about these two?

Ziggi/Zee: I'll take them for 15000 each

Pirate: What? You said 20000 for each

Ziggi/Zee: And who are you to speak

she pulled out a dagger and thrown it on the pirate killing him on spot

Ziggi/Zee: 25000 for him no just 15000 because he's my kill

Cole: Dad it's up on you you're the captain

he looked at captain nodding after while of silence he said

Captain: Ok deal but next time make me more happy Ziggi

Ziggi/Zee: Me making you happy you're the ones with shity stuff!

she turned around and with hand she signalised that where to take Macy, dead pirate and girls pirates took them and carried them in barn by mountains there they left them alone

Mia: Awesome Bride we are now some evil pirate lady's property

Jean: How the fuck should i know that they are going to sell us to this evil bitch, at least you still have your Macy

Mia: Yeah and the fucking dead dude that she bought for bigger price than us!

Jean: Yeah because they don't know we're witches!

Mia: Shut the fuck up you don't have to yell that!

after while the door to the barn opens it's the evil pirate lady Ziggi

Mia: Oh, you remembered that we exist

Ziggi: Silence you other girl who are you

Jean: Please we traveled from here to Nitai and someone stole our boat so we just wanted to get back

Ziggi: You other girl don't lie

Mia: Who in the holy shit are you?

Ziggi: I asked first so speak

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