XV.Your fault (32639M.Y.)

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when Jean and Mia got their visions back they noticed none of the Crixagen sisters were on the bridge no dead body no blood only Macy's body was lying in the middle of the bridge soulless

Mia: Macy my little girl

she ran to Macy sobbing

Mia: No please you can't...

Jean: Mia...

Mia: This is all your fault!

Jean: What do you mean?

Mia: What do i mean?!


Mia: Look at me!

Jean: Mia please...

Mia: Look at my face! Look at Macy!

Jean: I,i don't...

Mia: Look at yourself you're obsessed with that fucking book this all...

Jean: What i never forced you to come with me!

Mia: So what i should let you leave! Did you forget what are you!

Jean: What i'm!

Mia: Yes, you're a fucking...

Jean: Fuck you Mia!

Jean turned around continued on crossing the bridge

Mia: You're just going to leave?!

Jean didn't respond

Mia: Fine than die alone you selfish cunt!

and with that Mia also turned around and headed back on the other side than Jean when was Mia far enough Jean slowed down and started to notice a huge part of the bridge is broken

Jean: What the shit?!

she looked around for a way to the other side but there is none the only thing she could do is to use magic

Jean: Ok, you can do this you're Jean Bride herself

she closed her eyes she started to visualize the bridge in her head than the imagined the bridge is getting fixed and than she visualizes that she's crossing the bridge she opens her eyes with severe pain in them

! TW (blood) !

she started to cry but it wasn't normal tears it was blood

Jean: Shit!

she quickly ran over the fixed part bridge that was olive coloured there she sat down on the ground still crying blood so by this time her face was half covered with blood her vision got blurry and she passed out, after that she woke up in familiar room but she couldn't remember from where she knew that room

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