Even Such A Thing?

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A/N: Just a quick doodle of Jeff that I made for you all. Forgive me I'm not the best at backgrounds so I just did the general color of the apartment and I'm still getting used to digital art, but I hope it captures the mood I was trying to make!

Before I knew it the week was gone, and Friday was upon me before I could even blink. A month had passed since I got out of Dr. Wicker's Hellhole death trap. Tonight was the beginning of something new, my Date with Jeff. He and I had spoken a little more throughout the week. Trying to decide on what we should do. He and I both really were not peachy about the idea of going out into public. We decided something nice and simple would be perfect for a first date.

I had been anxious all week and thankfully because of that I was able to focus less on how I almost died. Gabby was suspicious of something happening, but she kept her thoughts to herself. Now that the day was here, I felt nothing but butterflies in my stomach. Jeff was coming and I was going on a date with him! A DATE! This was the man I had survived something no one should ever have to go through with. This was the man who saved my life multiple times.

It was a very odd feeling. Knowing that the only reason I knew him was because we were both victims of a psychotic mass killer. If I had not been in that I would probably have never met Jeff. I would not have been anxiously going through all of my nicest attires while awaiting his arrival. I probably would still just be at my shitty ass old job taking blame for Miranda's misdoings.

It was a tradeoff that I oh so hoped would be worth it in the end. Survive a horrible ordeal and have problems for the rest of your life but possibly gain an amazing boyfriend or possibly more. Jeff and I were still really only acquaintances the more I thought about it. yeah, we had gotten to know more about each other over the last month, but we still were getting to know each other as people and not as survivors. Though I guess that's kind of how dating worked for a lot of people anyway. Getting to know each other and hoping it would work out.

If it did work out than what then? Just thinking about him, especially today made me want to dance around and squeal like a little girl. At the moment the prospect of possibly spending the rest of my life with this man seemed amazing. But we both had major problems after what happened to us. That would absolutely cause problems later in our lives with loved ones. It sort of was even now.

That was going to happen whether or not Jeff and I worked out or not. It was a given and there was nothing I could do about it other than trying to deal with it. I just had a feeling that if I had to fight it, Jeff and I had a higher chance of getting though it together than with someone else. We both went through the same thing; we knew what the other was going through.

If there was anyone, I could make it through this, Jeff was my guy. Or at least I really hoped that was the case anyway. It was all sort of hope that was keeping me going right now. I had probably used up all of my dumb luck surviving Dr. Wicker. Now it was up to me to rebuild my life and get back on track...like it was really on track even before all of this.

Now, here I was in my room early Friday evening, going through all of my clothes and dresses that I had. I had not worn any of these in a long time, and I was worried that they would not fit me anymore. I had pondered asking my sister Josie to go shopping for me as I was still not comfortable going out and going through the stores myself yet. I knew she would have a lot of questions about that though and would spill the beans to Gabby. I was not necessarily trying to hide my date with Jeff, but I really did not want it to be a big deal to anyone else besides him and I.

So here I was, sitting cross legged on the floor of my room as all of my options were spread out in front of and around me. I had my door locked as I did not want Gabby to burst in. Sometimes if she thought I was having an episode or something else was wrong she was known to rush in and ask questions later. A response that I both despised and understood.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2023 ⏰

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