Let The Game Begin

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I was starting to come to again. My eyes did not want to open, and my body did not want to move, but consciousness was slowly setting in. It was such a strange feeling, I was almost trapped inside my own body.

My mind felt like it was waking up from a night's sleep. Hazy, slow, even sort of warm like when it's resting comfortably on a pillow. My body however was a whole different story.

I could not even feel it in the slightest at first. I knew that my eyes were stuck shut and that no matter how hard I tried my limbs would just not move.

It was completely quiet around me, so I could not tell if I was deaf at the moment, or if the area was just silent. Where even was I?

With my body still immobile I used the time to think about what had happened and try to remember the previous night. My mom and I got into a big fight after I got in trouble with my boss. I did remember that.

After that, it got a little fuzzier. I went straight to Gabby's, but I almost did not knock on her door. She and Saphire let me in... for most of the night we hung out and they cheered me up.

I... I went outside to grab my bag when... What happened? I searched my brain, but I could not dig anything up. My body was still refusing to move, and I was starting to get a little frustrated.

The woman!! It suddenly came back to me. A bloody woman had jumped out at me from the shadows, begging for me to help her! I tried to call out for Gabby but someone grabbed me. Someone in a scarecrow mask made out of an old sac of some kind to hide their face.

It was all coming back to me now. They had drugged me!! Where was I!? Was I kidnapped or did he just leave me on the concrete in the night?

In my feverous panic, my body slowly started to gain feeling again. I was cold, very cold like I had slept on a block of ice all night long. Not only cause I was cold, but whatever I was laying on was completely flat and solid. I think I might be laying down on some kind of metal floor.

My eyes still would not open, but I was able to lift up my arms. Though it felt like they had cinder blocks strapped to them, I was able to place my palms down on the icy floor below me and get some sort of leverage to start sitting up.

My arms trembled and quivered under my weight. Whatever that maniac used to knock me out had fucked me up. Even now I was just barely starting to take in more oxygen, making it a little easier to move my limbs.

I managed to get myself into a sitting position with my legs closer to my chest. My head hung limply back for a moment, straining my neck muscles, but I was able to get that moving in time as well.

It was a large bolt of shock when my eyes suddenly popped open. Along with my sight, all my other senses came flooding back fast and intensely. Yeah, I felt the cold before, now it was even worse.

There was nothing but the sound of my own labored and almost panicked breathing in the room. And that was slowly starting to get drowned out by the sound of my own rampaging heartbeat. The room smelled like a welding shop, sort of like hot metal, yet everything was so cold.

The fear was so intense now. When I was numbed it was like most of it was being held back behind the wall of paralysis. Now that I was fully back into my mind and body though, the realization was setting in and harshly.

I had been kidnapped. I had been kidnapped by a psycho maniac!!!! What about that woman?! Was she somewhere here as well or was she dead somewhere?!

A small whimper sounded from the back of my throat. It did not take a genius to figure out who's work this was. The cruel irony of the whole situation was that I had warned my younger siblings to be careful so much, I should have been more careful myself.

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