Level 1: Not Even Started Yet

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My tear-filled eyes looked at all three doors once I had backed up to the point where I was standing over the net again. I had three choices here. Burning, cutting, or shocking... which would I need to choose?

My eyes kept moving from one door to the next, then all over again. My mind racing with thoughts on what I needed to do. This was only the very first level and this was what it already was like?! Was it going to get worse and worse as I progressed!?

I had nothing to grip onto the burning handle with. My pajamas were way too thin to protect me in the slightest against the searing hot metal. It might just burn completely through the fabric immediately.

The far-right door with the electrified handle was just as scary, if not even scarier than the far left hot door. I had absolutely no idea how many volts were going through that doorknob. Enough to make the air around it buzz with energy. I was so glad that I just happened to go to the hot door first.

Who knows what would have happened to me if I had come to this door first. The only reason I had realized that this door was electrified was because I was already looking for a trap of any kind around the knob. If I had gone to this door first and not known what I had in store for me, I could be laying on the floor dead already.

The middle door was looking the most promising to try and open. Even with that though it still seemed like an impossible feat. The entire handle was covered in the blade openings. The razors had already been out and almost slicing my skin open even before I had the knob halfway turned.

There was no opening on the knob big enough to slip my fingers through around the blades. I could not even grab onto the small thin section that connected the knob to the door. It was blocked by the black iron casing.

With all of my other options out of the picture I slowly padded up to the razor blade door. I was still shivering, this door almost seemed to be getting colder by the second. If I did not get to an area that was warmer soon something bad would happen to my feet.

Leaning down slightly and examining the knob one last time before I gently gripped onto it with the very tips of my fingers. I squinted as I examined How the blades came up as I slowly turned it.

Maybe there was a way I could loophole the mechanism and get away without any injuries. I had no such luck though. The blades were already out and seeking blood. I had only turned the knob a few centimeters, and I did not have the strength in my fingers to turn it anymore without the force of all the muscles in my hand.

My eyes widened as I saw something other than a razor start sticking out of the knob. Coming so dangerously close to the skin of my palm.

It was a needle of some kind. There was no way I would be able to avoid that. In order to open this door, I would have to get cut and stuck by only the murderer knew what was in that needle.

I stepped back again as I started to furiously scratch at my head in frustration. This was not fair! How was I even supposed to beat this level!?

The shocking door would probably kill me immediately. The razor door would put something into my system. Along with the other thing that was apparently already in there thanks to our oh so kind game host Dr. Wicker. And the burning door would so very obviously burn my hand so badly to the point where it would most likely be useless afterward.

There was no way for me to get out of this first level unharmed. One way or another if I wanted to get out of this room I would have to make a sacrifice, and go through one of those doors.

With the new knowledge of the needle in the razor door, the burning door was now seeming like the better option. I did not want to do it... I don't know if I can do it at all. It's just too much!

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