Lunch at Gabby's

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This was nice... This was something that was very much needed. I did not know just how much I was missing something like this. I'm so glad I agreed to do this!

The time was currently a little before noon. All my siblings and I, excluding my older brother who lived far away. Were at Gabby's and Saphire's house for lunch.

I picked up my two younger siblings about an hour ago and we picked up some orange juice and extra milk before heading over. We were kind of more of having a late breakfast lunch, but that was ok.

It was not quite ready yet. Gabby was in the kitchen as chef. I would come in and help her when she wanted it, but she kind of liked to be the main cook. So unless she needed me I would be working on sewing and cracking projects with Josie

Jared and Saphire were Gaming furiously on the couch. They were playing some laser shooting racing game. I played games every now and then too, but I had never seen this one before.

I kept glancing into the kitchen. It smelled amazing and I was really excited for it to be done. I hissed as I accidentally poked myself with the needle. My sister glanced up in worry, but the smile I gave her confirmed that I was alright.

" So Y/N. Later tonight we were all thinking about going to the arcade. Do you want to go?" Josie asked. I sighed as the question came up.

" I would love too but my boss has got me working the late shift tonight... It's ok, I'll catch you guys on the next one ok?" I finish. She nods, looking a little disappointed, but there's nothing else I could do.

We went back into silence. The only sounds coming from around us were the sound of the game and Jared and Saphire crap talking to each other. I think Jared won the match they were on when Gaby called from the kitchen.

" Babe! can you come help me with this real quick." She called. Saphire put down her controller, giving Jared a ruffle on the noggin before standing up and walking into the kitchen. I heard them start giggling about something as he changed the channels to find something good to watch.

" I'll be right back. I gotta go to the bathroom." Josie said. Putting her stuff down and getting up. While I waited for her to get back, or for breakfast to be done, I decided to just flip through random crap on my phone.

Absentmindedly I got up and plopped down next to Jared on the couch. I was not really paying attention to what he was watching, I was more of just looking through Pinterest at this point.

" Hey Y/N." Jared piped up next to me. I lifted my eyebrows in question as I looked over at him. He had his phone out too and was looking at me with a shocked and pale expression. " I've been doing some reading about the murders going on in the city... Apparently, it's been going on for years and years. People always disappear 13 at a time, none is ever seen alive again. When it first started it was one group every year, but now it can be multiple groups of 13 whenever." He finished grimly.

I nodded as he told me this. I had read up on this myself. I did not do a whole lot of reading up on it. But I had pretty much known what he said now. He continued to say more though so it was evident that he uncovered more than I did.

" I read that the serial Killer, Dr. Wicker, was admitted into an asylum that was shut down years ago. A few years before it shut down he escaped and came to this area. He's been killing and kidnapping here ever since and has never been caught.

We both jumped as Saphire laid a hand on both of our shoulders. We both glared at her and she gave us both a cheeky smile as her long teal hair swayed by our faces.

" You got most of the info correct Jared. But the Asylum did not just shut down. It was overrun by a riot from the inside. Half the patients escaped, the other half were either caught or killed." She finished.

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