Level 1: Three Choices

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A/N: So be honest with me guys. Out of all of my stories if I were to take one and start re-writing it and try to make it into an actual book that might one day be published, which one would you like to see, or which one do you think has the most promise? I would really appreciate it, thanks guys, and enjoy the chapter!

As soon as the voice over the comms stopped talking, quickly spitting out that we each had something in our bodies that would kill us if not taken out soon, a hidden hatch at my feet sprang open and made me fall through.

I was sliding quickly down a square metal tunnel. As if I was going down a metal slide through a vent system. I could hear the metal bend slightly as I moved over it.

The tunnel was steep, so very steep. I was almost sliding completely straight down. If it were not for the dimming light above me where I came from I would not be able to see a single thing.

I could feel the air whipping past my face, almost as if I was on a long roller coaster or something. It almost felt like that as well, making my insides start floating around as if in zero gravity.

My mind was going absolutely wild. A million different things went through my mind, mostly about what might happen when I hit the bottom. Would I hit a rock-solid floor and just squish into an unrecognizable mass of flesh, bone, and blood? Or would I survive and slowly die on the floor in a painful and agonizing death?

Or maybe something would catch my fall and I would indeed survive. only to have to go on through a game of death and torment where the odds were against me. No, I don't think I had ever had so many odds against me.

This person has killed most likely hundreds of people. He's never once been caught, and not a single person has ever made it out of his game alive... I was so fucked.

Even with my mind panicking I still managed to keep my cry of surprise away as my body continued to plummet down an ever-darkening tunnel. I almost did not realize it when my body left the metal and was now free-falling through the air for a second.

I was suddenly caught rather harshly by a net suspended in the air. My skin rubbed roughly against the rope as the entire hammock bent and bounces slightly as the momentum I had brought with me wore off.

There was still light from bulbs even down here, so I could see the floor underneath me. It looked like regular cold concrete. I watched it get close, then farther away, then repeat as the bouncing of the net slowed until finally, it was almost at a complete stop.

My body was practically a statue at the minute. The only thing in my body that was not currently frozen solid was my heart. It pounded a thousand miles an hour behind my ribcage, and no matter how much my chest started hurting from lack of oxygen I just could not take in a breath.

I could only lay in shock as my thoughts and realizations slowly brought me back to reality. I... I was not dead... I survived that... I was not dead.

That continued to repeat in my head for another few seconds before I took in a loud gasp of air. My body jerking up as I fumbled for balance on the rickety net.

Since ti would not stop moving underneath me I just was not able to keep upright and ended up rolling over while gripping through the openings with my fingers tightly. At my movement, the entire thing dropped an inch and I froze.

I was once again a statue as the net stilled for a second before the sounds of gears cranking against each other filled the room. The sound was smooth and there was not a single stop in them. These gears were well taken care of, and well in use.

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