Level 3: Fast Reflexes

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" Y/N!" I heard a voice hiss as a strong, large hand gripped onto my shoulder. I snapped out of my daze. Finding myself right in front of a familiar door. Blinking a couple of times, I shook my head to get myself out of my dream.

What... What had just happened? I must have gone too far into memory and was re-living all of it. Looking back, I met Jeff's eyes. He was breathing a little heavily as he looked down at me. He pulled his hand away from me.

" You just started to run as if we were getting chased again. I almost could not keep up with you. Are you alright?" He asked. Looking down at me with careful eyes. I looked into his eyes for a moment, not saying anything.

Was that a question I could even answer? Of course, I was not ok? Who would be ok in this situation? I know he was just looking out for me though, there was no reason to snap at him, especially since he was helping me here.

" I... I guess. I... I think I was... Just getting too into the memory there." I explained and he nodded, his eyes flicking up to the door I was standing in front of. I turned forward again. " This is it, this is the room I hid in."

Reaching out, I grabbed the handle, but could not bring myself to turn the handle. What if he was waiting for me behind the door? What if he was going to jump out and hack me up as soon as I so much as cracked it.

I could feel myself slipping away into a dull haze of fear again as flashes came into my mind. The chainsaw ripping through my stomach and tearing my insides up into small pieces. Flinging everywhere, onto the walls, the floor, onto Jeff.

I did not realize how much my legs were quivering right now. How was I even standing?! Oh... Jeff had grabbed a hold of me and was calling my name again... that's how I was standing.

" Y/N? Do you want me to go first?" He asked quietly. I could tell in his voice that he really did not want to, probably cause he had the same thought as I did. It helped me regain my composure that he was still willing to do that though.

" No... I got this." I whimpered out. I could not count on Jeff to save me out of every situation now that he was here. If I did that I would grow dependant on him. Then what would happen if he got killed, or we got separated, what would I do then? No, This was something I had to do for myself. " Thank you though, I appreciate it."

He let go of me, and I was able to stand without his aid. My legs were still shaking and my heart continued to race for its life, but I was no longer frozen like a deer in headlights.

My hand was still gripping tightly onto the doorknob, and finally, I was able to twist the handle and creak the door open. The dark room behind loomed before us, like a throat waiting to swallow us.

No maniac killer lunged out at me when the door was open. I was not being shredded to death by a rotating blade that cut me up into little pieces. Nothing happened after I opened the door, it was just quiet now.

I could not help the burst of nervous laughter that escaped my throat as I breathed out in relief. Glancing behind me, I saw Jeff looking at me a little worriedly, but not in a judgemental way. I pointed into the room.

" I never went too far into this room. I ran in, hid, then ran right back out as I hid from player number fourteen, but I saw something shiny on one of the tables in this room. I don't know for sure if it's the key we're looking for, but it's the closest lead that I got." I explained.

He did not say anything, but he nodded. His brown eyes lifted up from my E/C ones and looked into the room behind me. I could practically see the little shimmer of the shiny thing we were after in the election of his eyes.

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