Level 4: Monkey Bars

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A/n: Hey everyone! I just wanted to say thank you for reading my stories. I couldn't go on without you all and I hope you are all doing well and good! Enjoy the chapter

Below us was nothing but a void of darkness and shadow. Only the mind could conjure up what could possibly be down there waiting for us. Whether it be by a slow descent or a fast plummet. One way or another though, I knew I did not want that to be my destination.

" Stop it!!! Let me go!!!!" The girl next to me shrieked from her net. Her entire body swung around more than mine with her frantic movements.

Then... We dropped.

The wind whipped past me as my bound body fell through the air. Filling my lungs and sinuses with the musty, cave-smelling air. The fast plummet being the way going down after all. I could do nothing, not even struggle. It was not even fair.

Granted nothing in this dumb game was fair in even the slightest way. However, in the other levels, we at least had a chance. Even in the pallet maze I could still feel around and get somewhere. Here though, I could do nothing as I waited to hit the ground and die.

Perhaps this was because of how much I pissed off the fourteenth player in the last level. Cruel to punish something for fighting for its life. That was the way of this man though. Cruel, evil, torturous, and overall messed up.

I did not cry out, I did not try to break out. Where would I go if I broke out? Down? Just as fast as I was going now? No, instead my mind turned into itself. The cliche " My life flashed before my eyes"

The faces of all the people I held dear, and all the people that did me wrong flashed in my eyes. I didn't want the bad people to be in my mind before I died, but they were.

There were so many things I wish I had done before this moment. Mostly exposing my grandmother for the wretch she was to the world. Proving to my mother that her mom was not the hero she thought she was.

I could only hope, in this dark hole in the ground where my death awaited, that there would be some measure of justice for me somehow. That just maybe, one day the truth would slip, and they would know that all along I was telling the truth. That they would have to live with that, in my death.

The breath was knocked out of my lungs, leaving me frozen stiff with shock as the net suddenly stopped falling. As if the entire thing was caught on something. I just hung there in the air with the darkness below me. Slowly swinging me back and forth as if on a hammock.

The falling, screaming form of the other girl in her own net shot past me and down a little bit more before she stopped mid-air as well. Her rope wobbled for a second before she dropped another few feet until she ultimately stopped as I had. She was still screaming and kicking around. Causing her net to swing around crazily as I watched with wide eyes, not able to fully comprehend what was going on exactly.

All I knew was that I was in a net, dangling like a worm on a hook over a dark void beneath me. I was somehow not dead yet, and for some reason, whatever was controlling the ropes stopped all of a sudden. The tears continued to flow out of my face. Dropping like little crystals into the darkness below.

I was so scared and so confused. My mind was going so fast that I could not comprehend a single thought, making me even more vulnerable to the situation at hand. I just could not get a grip on any of this!

My own rope that was attached to the net carrying wobbled and vibrated for a second. I hitched in a sharp intake of breath so fast I felt like a balloon being filled with helium. I thought I was going to start dropping again, but I did not. Instead, slowly, inch by inch, I started to rise up again.

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