Level 6: OH FUCK

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The clicking of the lock behind me could almost be mistaken for a bell. Perhaps the bell that tolled for me. What if he was telling the truth? What if I really could have used it? I shook my head and thought of the more likely options. Most likely there was something up with it. Whether it was poisoned or drugged, or something there had to have been something wrong with it. There couldn't not be anything wrong with it considering where I was right now!

Even if the water itself were untainted he probably did something to the bottle itself. I had read a lot of stories where a known assassination method was to rub poison on the bottle and not put it in the water itself. Granted I knew this was not those situations but still, it could not hurt to be safe than sorry. I'd just have to do without a drink for a little bit longer now.

Just thinking about how long I might go without another drink of fresh water made my throat feel parched. Even though I did just swallow a ton of water, it was nasty ass water, and it did not count! I had swallowed so much of it that I could feel it moving around in my stomach as I walked. It made me want to hurl it all onto the floor. I would if I had the energy to do so. Unfortunately, I was stuck with it and had to stomach the thought that I was digesting it right now.

Another shudder wracked through me as my mouth peeled back in a cringe. I shook my head and tried not to cry as I moved my thoughts to other things. My mind immediately went back to the fresh water that I had left behind. Then I had to remind myself that it only looked fresh, it was quite possible that it was not fresh. So instead, I turned my train of thought to the hallway I was now walking down.

It was long, and dark, lit up every now and then by dull lights. Pretty much like the aqueduct tunnel I just left behind, but not filled halfway with water. The metal was dark, almost black looking and built into segments. The floor was just one long sheet of cold metal underneath my feet. It was not as cold as the small rooms floor though and I could slowly start to feel my cut sting again.

I never got the feeling that I might have been slightly turning in another direction like I did with the very first tunnel I went through. After I had gotten past the door puzzle before the first level, I had felt that the tunnel was ever so slightly turning. I was not getting the feeling with this one though. It just felt like I was walking forever in a straight line. Though maybe a corridor would be more of an appropriate name for what I was walking through now.

It was eerily silent too. The only sounds to fill my ears were that of my footsteps, my breathing, and that disgusting water that was still sloshing around inside me. The silence made the hair on my arms and the back of my neck stand up. I was getting a really creeped out feeling. Not necessarily like I was being watched, even though I probably was. More like I was just really getting the heebee jeebe's.

Was it because I was anxious of what was waiting for me? Probably so. My mind started racing with dozens of different scenarios again. Mental situations about what could possibly be waiting for me at the end of this hall. What kind of traps could be waiting for me to trigger them so that they could kill me horribly? Cutting me in half and leaving me to crawl away while my intestines connected me to my unmoving lower half.

I shook my head furiously, trying to get that image out of my head. As I did that, I slowed down my walking pace and examined the walls ahead of me more closely. I could not see any traps in here waiting for me. Though that would defeat the whole purpose of them being traps if I could just see them. Though no light reflected off of any hidden tripwires from my angle. Still, I was careful to where I put my feet down.

I sighed in relief as I saw the end of the tunnel with a door slowly getting closer. I was starting to worry that I was going to spend another few hours going down a long, endless passageway again. How many times have I done that by now? Four? Five? Way too fucking much is what it was. I made my way through the huge mine looking tunnel after the doors. Then after the elevator there was one. I was not going to count the pallet maze. I was going to count the freaking hospital looking level where I met Jeff. Then there was the aqueduct, and now this... so five.

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