Chilling News

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A little while later I was doing marvelously. I was doing better than I originally thought I would! I was able to place more furniture and decorations around my new living space to make it feel more like home.

The kitchen was decently full of dishes, utensils, cups, cleaning supplies, and some other cooking supplies. I even had a plant or two on the window over the sink. There was a winding Aloe vera and a Coral cactus soaking up the light from the high area of the apartment.

The bathroom was stocked with supplies and towels as well. I got a lucky apartment complex that also provided me with a clothes washer and dryer in my place as well. So I did not have to worry about spending a few hours away every other day at the laundry mat.

I had my room furnished a little too. There was not a lot so far. There was my bed and a nightstand with a small F/F ( Favorite flower) placed on top next to a lamp.

A small closet to the left of my bed, if I was on the bed and facing the door, was currently closed with my clothes neatly... sort of neatly placed inside. Ok so I just threw my clothes in and said I'd deal with it later...and I will deal with it later. I'm just getting to it.

I would need to head grocery shopping after work. I was not completely out of food, but I could use a real quick supply run to refill my fridge.

My shift had just reached its end and I went to the notepad app on my phone so I could make a small grocery list. Right in the middle of that, I got another text from my mom.

My eyes drifted to the notification bar at the top of my phone, and I read what I could of the text there. Not opening it completely so that it would not show her that I read it.

She had lessened up on all the calls and texts these past few weeks since I never really responded. My heart deflated at her text. It was full of her trying to guilt-trip me into talking to her. Something that usually always worked when I lived with the family.

Was I going too far in not responding?... I did still loved her. I mean... I hated her for not ever listening to my pleas for help all throughout my childhood, but I still did love her.

I growled as I swiped away on it to make it go away as I took my apron off and hung it up. I had already clocked out so I went straight to the front doors so I could go out to my car and head on to the store. I just wanted to be home now.

I quickly got out of the parking lot and headed down the highway, taking the lesser-used roads since I hated driving on the city highway's, to the store.

Why could she never just listen to me?! Why did she always have to have her own idea of what was going on, and think that she was never wrong! Things could have been so much more different if she had just listened to me and my siblings growing up.

When I pulled up to the store I quickly found a parking spot and made my way inside. I grabbed a small cart since I did not plan on getting too much today.

I was walking through the bread and produce isles when my phone went off again. I pulled it out of my pocket and groaned when I saw it was her AGAIN.

Once more I ignored it, after some hesitation, and continued shopping. But now with it fresh on my mind again it just continued to eat at me. I tried to focus on shopping, but I just could not stop thinking about it now.

I so badly wanted to text or call Gabby and ask her what I should do. I was 19 years old and still always asked friends and families for their opinions on things I should or should not do.

She would probably get annoyed with me if I did though. I knew that she was there for me, but she had her own life to live without needing to constantly worry about me as well.

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