Level 3: Suspicion

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" We need to find the exit!!" Jeff cried as he continued to run down the hall hand in hand with me.

"There are only a few other hallways we have not gone down! We just need to retrace our steps again! We need to be quick though! He's not going to leave this section until we're dead after what we just did to him!"

Thanks to the tantrum the killer was now throwing, we were going to be safe for now since he was busy tearing down that door rather than us. We still had to hurry now, we were officially on this guy's murder horribly list.

Not only had both of us escaped him multiple times, but now we just broke his nose and gave him a lot of good bruises to hurt in the morning. Sooooo, it was now on my agenda to look over my shoulder whenever I remembered to.

You know, to make sure that I was not getting crept on and about to be stabbed and sliced to death with a pair of scissors big enough to cut someone's arm off probably. Just the thought of that made me shiver.

Another flash filled my mind. It was me trying to crawl away as the fourteenth player placed his boot on me to keep me from going anywhere. He lifted his big blades up and snipped them excitedly. It was stained with other people's blood, shining sinisterly in the bright mercury lights.

I cut the thought short before it could turn into anything more gruesome. I was still getting over the thoughts of getting flattened by the lift against the spikes or impaled with a spear in the maze.

It was rather worrying that I so vividly pictured scenarios of what my own death could be like. It was very much not good for my mind since it was already in a bad place to be right now. I did not need to be extra freaked out and unnerved by picturing gruesome outcomes of what could possibly happen to me here.

Though it really was not something I could really help. Just like now, sometimes I could cut the thoughts short, but I could never stop them from appearing. They were just something that happened.

The sounds of our feet stomping on the floor gradually got quieter as we started to slow down. The sounds of the chainsaw were distant and muffled. I could not even hear it until we almost stopped. With the maniac so far away we could afford ourselves the luxury to slow down. That way we could have the energy to run again if we needed to.

We turned one last corner then stopped completely. Jeff's large hand let go of my smaller one as he leaned against the wall to catch his breath. I placed both of my hands on my knees, slightly bending forward as I too breathed heavily.

The both of us had just practically run a marathon for our lives. My heart was hammering so hard. Both from fear and Exertion. As my chest rose and fell rapidly, I glanced at Jeff as he ran a hand over his head to get the sweat off it. Some beads of the liquid glimmered in his beard. His brown eyes flicked down and met mine.

" That was too close. He was waiting for us... How did he know we would go back there? Especially when you said he already followed you in there?" He asked, the suspicion in his eyes clearly visible.

A bolt of fear flashed through me. Did he think I was working with the killer?! If he thought I was and decided to attack me there was no way I could fend him off. He was twice my size and could probably end my life with a single well-placed hit to the head. I did not think I could be very suspicious, but maybe that's what made me be suspicious. A helpless girl in a set of her big sister's pajamas.

I stumbled a few steps away from him as I looked at him with wide pleading eyes. He did not move from the wall, but he eyed me carefully, like two stray cats hissing at each other before a fight. I raised my hands up in surrender, trying to find the words to communicate that I was not his enemy.

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