Level 5: Down The Serpents Throat

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The water was cold and stagnant. Completely still other than my movements and the falling rocks from above my head. The tunnel was long and dark, and I could never seem to see the end of it. It just kept going and going. As if it were one long serpent and I was swimming down its never-ending throat. Even with the small light lining the walls, I never saw any steps or anything that would get me out of the water.

My limbs were starting to get very, very tired. There was no way of knowing how long I had been swimming. It could have been only a few minutes and felt like a few hours to me. They were staring to weigh me down. Like I had a weight strapped to each of them and every minute more pounds were added on. I would not last much longer like this.

There were so many variables that were already against me right now. Adding exhaustion to them would hinder me badly. I could cramp up and thrash around, missing that a stone might be about to fall on me. Or I could be too slow to swim away from one that would be about to fall and smash my skull into my spine. 

Lowering my head, I closed my eyes. Whimpering as I squeezed excess water from the skin around them.  Complaining would get me absolutely nowhere in this current situation. It was not going to give me extra strength for endurance. It was not going to morph some superhero into existence to fly me away to safety. I couldn't help myself though. I just wanted to lay down and groan my crises away. 

I wanted to be back home in my apartment. I wanted to be having lunch with my siblings. I wanted to see Jared and Saphire shit talk each other as they gamed. I wanted to help Josie sow and help Gabby cook. I wanted to finally tell them the full truth about what happened with Grandma growing up. 

I might never again get those opportunities... I might never see my siblings again. I might never get the chance to finally expose my grandmother for the evil witch she was. Leaving her with only the priest to attend her funeral. 

I couldn't help but scoff put a grim chuckle at that thought. As much as I'd like to see that in play I probably never would. Even if I did get out of here and revealed how horrible woman was, my mother would still find a way to deny the evidence. She had for all my life, why would they be any different than before?

I faltered in my swimming gait for a second. Causing water to splash in my mouth and down my throat. Turning my angry chuckle into a fit of spastic coughing. Also causing me to lose most of my swimming speed and come to an almost complete stop as I hacked the disgusting tasting water out.

When I got my breath back, I let out another dismal groan. I had already accidentally sucked in a lot of this water and who knows what was in it. If the horrific traps here didn't kill me then some absolutely unholy disease from this water probably would.

I continued on, hacking out a cough every few seconds as my throat still tingled from the invasive water that kept trying to pour into my lungs. Everything in this damn place was put here to kill me. Every. Single. little. thing. I already probably had major infections setting in from the various cuts along my body. The one across my shoulder blade and even my foot might just need stitches. If I ever got the damn chance to get stitches.

A Falling rock from the ceiling that I had not been paying attention too dropped and splashed in the water a few feet directly Infront of me. The event caused me to snap out of my thoughts and remember that I had to focus on the ceiling and where to swim as to avoid getting the watermelon treatment with my head. I shook my head. Causing water droplets to flay off of me and cause little ripples around me. As if dozens of fish were coming up and eating small little bugs off of the surface.

If those were the fish, then I was the frog. Swimming as quietly and carefully as I could. Trying to avoid death from above by the crane that was readying to spear me with its beak and devour me. I shook my head once more, this time more furiously as I let out a little growl. I was starting to drift off into thought again, and that is exactly what was going to get me killed if I did not cut it out right now.

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